Tesla is greenwash #deathcult

A. Musk says Tesla will be out of money in 10 months without ‘hardcore’ changes – The Verge
https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/17/18629166/elon-musk-tesla-money-changes-cfo-employee-expenses All the #greenwash is a part of the #deathcult its simple to understand this.

Q. what are you saying?

A. that tesla is greenwash #deathcult

Q. what does that even mean? Should I sell my Tesla now? Am I being scammed ??????

A. It’s fine to enjoy your car, but look clearly at the social/economic system that built it and sold your desire to owen it. that’s all a #deathcult and its not getting better soon #XR

Q. Tesla didn’t get bailed out by the US government. Why weren’t GM, Ford, and Chrysler allowed to fail? They socialize their losses and privatize their profits.

Tesla is the most American car company that exists right now. There is no death cult or green washing.

A. just about all the #dotcons in transport and space are heverly government subsidised its basic stuff and is thus part of the neo-loberal #deathcult that its currently killing us all #XR

Q. The solar city investment doesn’t sit well, tbqh.

A. just do a search, here is a link to start you off https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html state socialism for the #dotcons and a #deathcult for the rest of us.

Q. my desire to own it is to have a simpler car and also one that doesn’t pollute. It’s easier to reduce emissions from power generation than to audit the tailpipes of every car on the road. It also doesn’t affect air quality of the humans around the car. It’s quite simple, really.

You can’t be mad at Tesla for leveraging programs the government created to increase innovation and build American technology and then ignore the money small businesses can get to bootstrap their ventures. It’s the same thing, different scale.

You are being willfully ignorant about the government’s role in a healthy capitalist economy.

A. Am actually saying the capitalist economy is a deeply unhealthy #deathcult and Musk and his private/public state enterprises are clear to see simption of this. His projects we keep feeding on public subsidies which I have nothing against. But as you say it’s billed as “healthy capitalist economy” which as the article points out it is not my problem.

Q. oh, so what kind of economy will solve the world’s problems?

A. Now that is a question that is hard to answer, what I can say is that the neoliberal #deathcult we have currently is not going to save us. #XR movement in the UK highlights this, we are likely to move to social democracy or fascism in the UK over the next few years. I don’t think either of those can save us. so it’s an open question we currently do not have an answer too. I champion a move away from the #dotcons back onto the openweb as a #stepway project, my small part.

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