Q. Some interesting things, mostly the collaborative pad. As I said some time back, this is how I would (obviously) try running this effort – pads not threads.
In terms of general direction, the activitypub etc doesn’t inspire me in terms of rethinking media. I will continue my #postmedia project, which has quite different axioms, and release when ready.
In general I don’t see the linked info neither as theoretically(specs) nor practically(code) strong
A. Diversity of strategy is a good thing but the #geekproblem of everyone doing there own thing is a bad thing – riding the contradictions 🙂
* What’s your argument against activertypub exactly?
* What do you think of rebooting the indymedia project?
One thing I can say the desire to be king is pointless when it fails and dangerous when it rarely succeeds. If this is a main motivation then no good humain outcome is possible. Basic st
A. What is a #postmedia project? it sounds like a alt-right libatrean, which is simply incompatible with social #4opens?
linked info? is being done without coding – it’s a folksonomy. A trust based social project not a technological project. It’s not there on purpose, which is obviously why you cannot find it 🙂
The social nature of the project. Because there is no code as we are simply in every case repurposing existing codebases, existing social relations and existing processes.
it’s an interesting subject.
I am trying to get coders to stop doing pointless/dangerous things with their skills and time. This sums up why i talk a lot about the #geekproblem
* pointless, that’s just about everything they do have always done.
* dangurus, that’s when they push #dotcons and make it work.
Of course this is more complex than it looks, how do you define “useful” we can wank ideology at this point.