The mess in tech

The last 40 years of technological development and its impact on society, coupled with the growing urgency of addressing #climatechange, highlight the need to fundamentally change the way we approach technology. Some key points: In summary, the challenges posed by #climatechaos necessitate a radical reimagining of technology and its role. By building sustainability, equity, collaboration,…

Composting the mess with the #OMN

The growth of technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, as we dive deeper into the digital age, we are confronted with the alarming consequences of our reliance on these technologies. The links shed light on the issue of “digital” waste and its detrimental impact on the environment. Gerry McGovern’s article…

A bit of history – visionontv

The Radical VisionOntv project has a rich and varied history spanning over a 15 years. Here’s a timeline highlighting some key milestones and achievements: Inception: The project began over 15 years ago with a vision to create an alternative media platform that prioritized grassroots reporting and activism over mainstream narratives. It initially focused on utilizing…

User Story #makeinghistory

The “User Story #makeinghistory” outlines a process for digitizing the Campbell Family archive, which contains significant historical materials related to activism and political movements. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved: Setting up the Application: The archive sets up a desktop computer or a hosted VPS instance to install the #DAT based p2p application for…

We need to get this 20-year-old project back online, please help

VisionOnTV is a historical and important activist video project, and supporting it through funding can have a impact on the activist community and the history and change challenge in broader society: Amplifying Marginalized Voices: VisionOnTV provides a platform for marginalized voices and grassroots activists to share their stories, perspectives, and struggles. By amplifying these voices,…

Funding Application: Governance with the Open Governance Body (#OGB)

Introduction: The Open Governance Body (#OGB) represents a beacon of hope in the evolving digital world, where governance lags behind technological advancements and societal changes. In a landscape cluttered with flawed systems and ineffective #mainstreaming politics, the OGB offers an innovative and participatory approach to governance—a blueprint for the future of human-scale decision-making. Problem Statement:…

Why fund the reboot of the indymedia project

In the midst of this upheaval, the #Indymedia project emerged as a beacon of hope—a grassroots effort to reclaim the narrative and provide a platform for voices marginalized by mainstream media. Indymedia embodied the principles of the #openweb, empowering people and communities to share stories, amplify unheard voices, and challenge dominant narratives. The Indymedia Legacy…

What people need to outreach the #OGB

The Open Governance Body (#OGB) represents a beacon of hope in the ever-evolving digital world, where governance often lags behind technological advancements and social changes. In a landscape cluttered with flawed systems and ineffective mainstream politics, the OGB offers an innovative and participatory approach to governance—a blueprint for the future of human-scale decision-making. Traditional governance…

The Open Governance Body: Revolutionizing Governance with Grassroots Tech

In our ever-evolving digital world, governance is often left behind, struggling to catch up with the pace of technology and social change. Among the myriad of attempts to tackle this problem, there’s one that stands out for its innovative and participatory approach: the Open Governance Body (#OGB). This grassroots, federated project is more than just…

Navigating Grassroots Evolution in Tech Communities: Challenges and Paths Forward

The landscape of technological evolution often traverses a spectrum between grassroots innovation and mainstream integration. Within this spectrum lies #Socialhub, a space that was born as a grassroots alternative—a bastion of the activertypub reboot’s integrity within its original framework. This trajectory from its inception in #activertypub delineates a distinctive approach in the technological realm. The…