#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this

#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this. There are well document alt’s that I push with every use of the hashtags #OGB #OMN #4opens etc. The problem we way too often face is people wanking liberal “common sense” in the era of the #deathcult so need to make this point…

Focus on things we don’t actually know are going to fail

We need non #deathcult #mainstreaming there are meany ideas to make this happen but no agreement on which one to take 🙂 I am into grassroots as have long expirence of this working at local levels and federation gives us an option to try this for larger groups, that is worth trying #OGB The problem…

Let us tell a fabulous story of social technology

Looking at the history of socialhub you can see the history of Monocracy, Aristocracy and Feudalism in the #geekproblem The kings left long ago or never joined, why would a “divine” touch the muddle ground. The aristocrats in their social isolation still preen their fathers and try on their inviable cloths of gold and satin,…

Our friends the liberals

In protest camps, squats, rainbow gatherings, akt-tech the is a long history of “liberals” pushing in with “common sense” agenda to distroy working alternatives. Our “liberals” have little understanding of the damage they do when this happens, for them this disstruction simply proves the alt’s are NOT posspable and thus their common sense is reinforced…

Dogmatic liberalism and the geek

Good to look at data and metadata for what it is, social glue that holds society together. Our #deathcult worship separates and atomise people, as does privacy and security coded by the #geekproblem Take a moment to step back, our contemporary coding is shaping https://www.britannica.com/topic/liberalism It’s obviously true that society/ecology is sick from this blinded…

Q&A on outreaching the fluffy/spiky debate to the fluffys

You’re bringing in the idea of “fluffy” and “spiky”. And you think both have merit. Have been working with bridging this often hostile divide for more than 30 years in hundreds of campaigns on the ground and online. The best outcome you can hope for is “diversity of tactics/strategy” You’re also drawing attention to the…