Who gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented

“An important distinction is slowly being uncovered about the definition of the term “fediverse.” Who is it that gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented?” https://mastodon.social/deck/@fdrc_ff@www.foxyhole.io/112435833670527639 The lack of discussion about the nature of the space the #fediverse occupies raises questions about representation and identity within this #openweb “native” network.…

Branding – 4opens collective identity and values of the network.

#Branding in the #Fediverse raises considerations about effectively communicate the identity and values of a decentralized network while preserving its diverse and inclusive core. * Purpose of Branding: Branding serves different purposes for different organizations within the Fediverse. It is a way to assert control and ownership over the platform/network, but it can also be…

Development of technology in a community-centric direction

Shaping technology to empower people and building to their needs is core to create an inclusive and democratic digital environment. We need technology that prioritizes people and customization first: In the context of the #Fediverse and #openweb reboot, prioritizing these principles helps to steer the development of technology towards a more community-centric and empowering direction…

What names to use?

The term #openweb refers to an internet ecosystem characterized by decentralized, interoperable, and community-driven platforms and protocols. It emphasizes #4opens principles of openness, inclusivity, and user control over data and online experiences. The “openweb” contrasts with the #dotcons centralized and proprietary nature, the mainstream internet platforms, thus offering an alternative vision for the future of…

This blog is on ActivityPub – please subscribe

What do we have here, Hamish Campbell’s blog covers a range of topics related to technology, activism, social justice, boatlife and the #openweb. As an activist, Hamish provides insightful commentary and analysis on issues like digital rights, decentralized technology, media activism, climate change, and more. Feel free to subscribe to Hamish Campbell’s blog for Overall,…

Revisiting the ActivityPub foundation idea

There are a few views on this issue, the “common sense” #NGO path, an example Presenting Fedi Foundation: Empowerment for SocialHub community 1 And the more “nativist” openweb path What would a fediverse “governance” body look like? And then we have the #geekproblem path, which has been pushing the fep process the last 2 years,…

The development of ActivityPub was a collaborative effort

The history of #ActivityPub and the #fediverse is a journey marked by innovation, collaboration, and the ever-present struggle between open and closed systems. To understand this history, lets delve into the origins of ActivityPub and its evolution within the context of the broader #openweb movement. ActivityPub emerged as a response to the limitations of existing…

The influence of NGOs in social activism raises concerns

In an era dominated by centralized #dotcons platforms and gatekeepers, the #openweb represents a beacon of hope for progressive society. Rooted in the #4opens principles of decentralization, open standards, and inclusivity, the openweb fosters a progressive culture In contrast, the rise of #NGO #slacktivism and the influence of NGOs culture highlight the limitations of centralized…