These native #openweb activism based projects have been around for the last ten years. In the reboot of #Indymedia and the development of the Open Media Network (#OMN), the challenge of federating metadata flows sits at the heart of how people organize, distribute, and consume media in a decentralized, grassroots-driven native path. We’re navigating the…
Mastodon, Meta and Threads
#Fediverse, Definitions, and Building Activist Communities
The question of definitions, particularly around the “Fediverse” and its relationship with the ActivityPub protocol (AP), has become messy due to the influx of #mainstreaming people, this has sparked a lot of mostly unhelpful debate. Let’s be clear, there is no real “Fediverse” without #AP. Since Mastodon’s shift to AP, the entire Fediverse has been…
The #openweb, a partnership, not a nasty walk over
We are seeing a flood of #dotcons making their way into spaces built on #4opens principles. Their arrival forces us to consider the future we want, and if we can mediate this encroachment for a better path. Some perspectives on this: The #SocialWebFoundation (SWF) seems to fit into the first category—attempting to mediate between these…
A Path of Destruction: The Middle East’s Endless Conflict and Global Consequences
A #KISS post on the messy ideas behind this current real world mess. The current events in Gaza feel familiar, a replay of the tragic historical cycle that has been spinning for decades. Israel occupies Gaza. Gaza resists this occupation by attacking to retake occupied land, Israel responds by obliterating swaths of Gaza in brutal…
Let’s Try a Right-Wing Metaphor
On the #SWF thread, Let’s try a Right-Wing Metaphor: Well, this playground is full of noise In this noise, there is much sense, but no grown-up action. In a children’s playground, it is the adults who are in control, the ones who bind everything together, the ones who make the decisions. The children play,…
Oligarchy, Monarchy, and the Future of Governance of the #OpenWeb
The governance model of the Social Web Foundation (#SWF) aligns more with oligarchy, where power is concentrated in the hands of a few, echoing the structures of monarchy more normally seen within the broader #FOSS movement. Both oligarchic and monarchic models may work for some traditional organizations, but they are not native to the organic,…
The metaphor of cat herding
The metaphor of cat herding is a useful and fitting when working with decentralized, independent actors who are resistant to collective action, especially in grassroots tech and activist communities. It reflects the challenge of getting people to focus, organize, and work toward common goals without losing their autonomy or devolving into chaos. With projects like…
The path out of this mess is in part social tech, we need to build this path
The current path of distraction’s and #stupidindividualism are pushing the cycle of pointless noise that is feeding into our inability to focus on real change. People are busy, swept up in distractions, and pointless pursuits to be the change and challenge they need to be. It’s a cycle of complacency with a bad outcome. Agitation,…
What am I doing now?
People ask, so It’s good to remind my self about this, my journey of working to compost this mess goes back a long way, as you can see from the snapshots of history I’ve written about here: It’s a light touch on nearly 30 years of work. It all started with the Sinclair Spectrum,…
The #deathcult is neoliberalism
If you’ve spent time on my website, you’ve come across the term neoliberalism. It’s a word that’s used so much that its meaning has maybe been diluted. You might have a surface-level understanding: deregulation, privatization, tax cuts for the rich, the classic “trickle-down” nonsense where we’re supposed to believe that if the rich get richer,…
Where do you see the opportunity for these dialogues
The current path in “governance” of the #Fediverse is a few people and money, trying to take the decision-making from the disparate libertarian cats and other people who live and create the value of our native #openweb path. This is oligarchy at best, is this what we won’t? How can we, actuary, tell what we…