While the commercial web is dominated by large corporations, the #dotcons are what most people are familiar with, there is another side to the internet – the #openweb. In this article, we will explore what the #openweb is and why it matters. The #openweb refers to the part of the internet that is not owned…
The problem with institutions funding the social side of #openweb tech
Almost all our #geekproblem software fails because they are building “control”, where all good societies are built on “trust”. We keep making piles of #techshit because we can’t communicate about this simple understanding #techchurn one way to address this is to fund the social side of tech. The problem which we need to solve is…
Thinking about why #openweb projects fail.
Many #openweb projects have failed over the years, and there are reasons, first is the challenge of sustaining a project that is built on open-source principles and relies on community involvement and collaboration. In capitalism, without a clear and consistent funding model, it can be difficult to keep projects going over the long term. Another…
A fresh look at #openweb history
For people who like buzzwords The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents that is accessed through the Internet. #Web01, #Web02, and #Web03 are terms that are used to refer to different generations or phases of the World Wide Web (#WWW). #Web01 refers to the early days of the World Wide Web,…
A little about #openweb projects, the Fediverse
The Federated Web, or #Fediverse, is a decentralized #openweb project that allows people to communicate and share content across different servers. * Decentralization: In a centralized platform, all data is stored and controlled by a single entity, which can lead to issues such as censorship, data breaches, and loss of control over data. In a…
Please share this #openweb project widly thanks
The #OGB is focused on decentralized and autonomous models of governance for the #fediverse and #openweb groups. It aims to resist the imposition of traditional top down power structures and promote social change and challenge by involving community members in decision-making and empowering them to shape their “producer” communities. The project will leverage existing open-source…
By working together and finding working solutions, we can build a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable #openweb for all
The #SocialHub and the #fediverse do not have to conform to traditional hierarchies and power structures. Instead, they have the potential to create new models of governance and organization that empower communities and promote social change. To achieve this, it is important to resist the urge to impose liberal “common sense” solutions that align with…
Make stronger the openweb family – #4opens
The #4opens is a framework for evaluating technology projects that are based on open data, open source, open standards, and open process. * Open data refers to the availability of data to the public, free of charge and without any restriction on its use. This is considered a basic requirement for a project to be…
A conversation about money and the #openweb
A conversation with the #NGO side of social technology: A. Just booked my place for ePIC next month in Lille. It’ll be my first time on the Eurostar! https://epic.openrecognition.org A decade ago, it was the first conference I went to as Mozilla’s Badges & Skills lead. Time flies. #OpenBadges #VerifiableCredentials #ePortfolios #conference #travel Q. these…
Have 2 #openweb videos to make
Have 2 videos scripts to do: * The #OGB why, what, were * The hashtag story, using all the tags to show the current mess and paths auta it. While defining each tag. This is a challenge. The script needs to end up as something like this https://visionon.tv/w/jqTdss1qrdk4yEZiQsnMU3 So looking for a list of bullet…
The fediverse is an “accidental” openweb reboot
The #fediverse is an “accidental” #openweb reboot by the #fashernistas, so it’s herding cats to get anything done, not a bad thing, not a good thing It’s what it is. One way to move away from this mess is #OGB grassroots #DIY producer governance. Otherwise, live (and die) with the mess, and try to stop…