OMN questions

Need help with this conversation: Q. trying to prod some movement outa people here in Berlin its a full time job. people are addicted to pointless. Do you think this is to silly b A. As an engineer this is too woolly to understand. We work with simple unambiguous user stories. In the format “As…

What is the OMN

The #OMN its a anything in and anything out – mediated by trust database/network. It’s up to “commernerty” what they do with this and up to the individuals what commerty they choose or if a bit geeky can be an individual. it’s just soup (data soup) of course my project is to build a media/news…


The Open Media Network is a trust based, human moderated, #4opens project that builds a database shared across many peers. The project is more important for what it DOES NOT DO, than what it does do. It uses technology to build human networks. There are ONLY 5 main functions: * Publish (object to stream) –…

The Open Media Network (OMN)

“We can’t engage as communities, unless we have money. I can’t even express how angry this makes me.” – an activist group using Facebook. People and organizations who feel this way are the initial targets. is an unfettered space for Activists and groups to communicate and a safe space for Campaigning and NGO…

One more step OMN

Published Date 3/15/17 8:20 PM The OMN will allow you to find good quality alt\grassroots content. It’s a way of getting distribution outside Facebook and Twitter to push-up the use of the open web. It’s a stupidly simple social project using existing basic web technologies. The OMN is an open network so we call each…