What is “mess” in the hashtag story?

In this 20 year hashtag story, it’s important to understand chaos as a creative force for change. But it’s also important to see that the path of the #openweb and the ongoing struggle for a more decentralized, human-centered internet, makes this idea of “mess” into meany “bad faith” arguments. For #mainstreaming, people hear, images of…

What is the #openweb

A fresh look at this path. The #openweb is a decentralized, people-centric internet that contrasts sharply with the centralized #closedweb being pushed by major #dotcons platforms. The openweb is founded on principles of openness, transparency, and community empowerment, it is not just about technology, but also about fostering a different kind of social relationship online,…

The victimhood narrative needs composting

The current state of discourse, particularly the ways in which left and right ideologies, have become so intertwined and confused that it’s difficult for people to distinguish between them. This post critiques the tendency of both sides to adopt a “victimhood narrative,” which is both unproductive and disempowering. The mess we have made in modern…

There are many groups walking these paths, join them, and pick up a shovel to compost the mess we leave

On this website, I am advocating for a significant shift away from the current consumer-driven, #capitalist society toward a simpler, more sustainable, and equitable way of living. The path to this thinking is the that our modern lifestyles are neither natural nor necessary, to challenges the assumption that the way we live now is the…

The #openweb – Escaping the Grip of the Algorithm

For meany people, the old #dotcons like #Instagram, #Facebook and #Twitter still dominate their online lives, shaping not only what we see but also how we think and interact. These platforms, with their complex algorithms, offer a seductive experience people find hard to resist. The allure is not just in the content they provide, but…

The Urgent Need for a Paradigm Shift

For the last 40 years, we’ve been entrenched in a system that pushes economic efficiency, shown by the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. This mess has been touted as the ideal, leading to an “efficient” economic structure that, in reality, has been a disaster of environmental destruction and social disintegration. It’s well…

Post-Modernism Influence on Social Movements

Leaving the fig leave of dead philosophies covering #liberalism and #neoliberalism, gives cover to continue ideological works, this mess masks and hides insidious agendas. By removing these fig leaves, we can see, understand and dismantle the mechanisms of power they obscure. I have talked about this, a lot, let’s try one more time. The lingering…

A Critique of “fluffy” Leftist and Progressive #AI Paths

In our conversations on #AI there is a copyright trap, pushed in the #mainstreaming, the #fashionista conversation around protecting producers and cultural industries are growing hysterical. Some policymakers and activists are pushing for shielding creators from the very real threats posed by these new technologies. However, in their haste to act, leftist and progressive crew…

Control in Tech Culture

The 20th century was marked by significant technological and scientific advancements, alongside violent conflicts. As we move through the 21st century, the nature of these conflicts is shifting. The struggle is increasingly between humanity and nature, with dire consequences if we continue down our current path. Environmental degradation and climate change are no longer side…

Nurturing the True Potential of the Fediverse: A Socio-Political Roadmap

The #fediverse, with its promise of decentralized social networking and democratic governance, stands as a light of hope for a native #openweb. However, as it navigates the terrain of politics, technology, and human behaviour, it faces challenges that threaten to undermine its #4opens civic potential. In this post, we delve into these challenges and explore…

Funding Application: Building the Open Media Network

Funding Application: Building the Open Media Network Project Overview: The Open Media Network (#OMN) is an innovative project aiming to construct a trust-based, human-moderated, and decentralized database shared across multiple peers, encompassing both peer-to-peer (p2p) and server-based architecture. OMN is centred around the #4opens principles, emphasizing openness, transparency, collaboration, and decentralized control. The project’s primary…