A first step to reboot alt grassroots media

Published Date 3/4/17 6:32 PM A first step to reboot alt/grassroots media land an update on were we are on the OMN (open media network) linking project. * The is a node/site up http://omn.openworlds.info:8080/ * This currently has 10 embeds https://github.com/tomspost/OMN/wiki on sites as a soft roll out * we are aiming to expand this…

The Witches Cauldron open activist archive

Published Date 12/23/16 1:26 PM The Witches Cauldron The open activist archive is a data “commons” based on the #4opens and motivated by the #PGA hallmarks. We are aiming to create a data soup of metadata enriched digital items hosted on redundant federated network of hosts/servers around the world. The project will start by hosting…

Food for thought for thoughts who do not like conflict

Food for thought for thoughts who do not like conflict. The OMN is based on bypassing the 2 dominant groups who currently control alt/grassroots media. These are the geeks who control/block the tech and the fashernista who push their narrow agenda over the space. Both squarely stand in the way. Go through um or better…