The right-wing are taking the tools, traditions and the myths of the left wing

The phenomenon of the right-wing appropriating the tools, traditions, and mythos of the left wing is a complex and multifaceted issue. This strategic attempt by conservative forces to reshape the political and cultural landscape by co-opting symbols, narratives, and strategies traditionally associated with progressive movements. It poses a significant challenge for the left, as it…

Why are tech alternative to the #mainstreaming important.

The #OMN family of projects holds significant importance in the realm of digital media and online communication for several reasons: Decentralization: The #OMN family emphasizes decentralization, allowing people and communities to have greater control over their own media environments. By decentralizing content creation, distribution, and consumption, the #OMN projects promote diversity of voices and perspectives,…

Funding Application: Governance with the Open Governance Body (#OGB)

Introduction: The Open Governance Body (#OGB) represents a beacon of hope in the evolving digital world, where governance lags behind technological advancements and societal changes. In a landscape cluttered with flawed systems and ineffective #mainstreaming politics, the OGB offers an innovative and participatory approach to governance—a blueprint for the future of human-scale decision-making. Problem Statement:…

Funding Application: Open Media Network (OMN)

Project Overview: The Open Media Network (OMN) is a groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize digital media by building trust-based human networks using technology. At its core, the #OMN enables users to publish, subscribe, moderate, rollback, and edit content across various sites within the network. This unique approach empowers users to control the content they…

Funding Application: MakingHistory – Archiving the Open Media Network

Project Overview: MakingHistory is an initiative within the Open Media Network (#OMN) aimed at preserving and archiving digital content shared across the network. It operates on the same principles and workflow as the renowned Indymedia project but utilizes a different template to organize and categorize content. The primary objective of MakingHistory is to ensure that…

Why fund the reboot of the indymedia project

In the midst of this upheaval, the #Indymedia project emerged as a beacon of hope—a grassroots effort to reclaim the narrative and provide a platform for voices marginalized by mainstream media. Indymedia embodied the principles of the #openweb, empowering people and communities to share stories, amplify unheard voices, and challenge dominant narratives. The Indymedia Legacy…

What people need to outreach the #OGB

The Open Governance Body (#OGB) represents a beacon of hope in the ever-evolving digital world, where governance often lags behind technological advancements and social changes. In a landscape cluttered with flawed systems and ineffective mainstream politics, the OGB offers an innovative and participatory approach to governance—a blueprint for the future of human-scale decision-making. Traditional governance…

Rebooting Indymedia: Restoring the OpenWeb and Grassroots Technology

Hamish Campbell, looking at the past and future of “native” grassroots media. In the last three decades, the digital landscape has undergone dramatic changes. I have witnessed its evolution firsthand, working in radical media and engaging with grassroots technology. But this journey hasn’t been without its challenges and setbacks. The Dawn of the OpenWeb The…

The Open Governance Body: Revolutionizing Governance with Grassroots Tech

In our ever-evolving digital world, governance is often left behind, struggling to catch up with the pace of technology and social change. Among the myriad of attempts to tackle this problem, there’s one that stands out for its innovative and participatory approach: the Open Governance Body (#OGB). This grassroots, federated project is more than just…