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Tech governance projects miss the mark

Tech governance projects miss the mark because they fail to engage with the real needs and experiences of grassroots activists and community building. This disconnect stems from the entrenched dynamics of the #geekproblem, which prioritize control and certainty over messy collaboration and understanding. The problem is exacerbated by the detachment of the “professional” #NGO crew, […]

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Composting the Mess: Transforming Society through Collective Action

In the intricate tapestry of human interaction, the worst parts of people and society manifest as destructive feedback loops. Whether fueled by greed, fear, or power dynamics, this cycle perpetuates our current culture of brokenness and decay. To break free from this destructive cycle, we must embrace a paradigm shift towards normalizing the best parts […]

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The Rise and Fall of Grassroots Activism in the UK: A 40-Year Retrospective on the Openweb

Grassroots activism has undergone significant ups and downs over the past four decades, particularly within the realm of digital communication and organizing. This essay seeks to provide an overview of the challenges and successes experienced by grassroots activists during this time period, focusing on the evolution of the open internet and its eventual decline. It […]

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A script #makinghistory

[Opening Shot: A montage of radical historical photographs, documents, and footage representing social movements and political activism throughout history.] Narrator: In a world where history is written by the victors, a new #openweb project emerges, aiming to democratize the process of archiving and storytelling. This is the story of #makeinghistory, a groundbreaking initiative within the […]

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indymedia back

Bringing back the #Indymedia project is essential for several reasons, rooted in its historical significance, its potential for grassroots activism, and the need for independent media platforms. Here’s why we need to revive and support the Indymedia project: Historical Significance: Indymedia played a pivotal role in the early 2000s as a decentralized network of independent […]


I have connected with my friends using WordPress and the Friends plugin. This means I can share private posts with just my friends while keeping my data under control. If you also have a WordPress site with the friends plugin, you can send me a friend request. If not, get your own WordPress now, install […]

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The development of ActivityPub was a collaborative effort

The history of #ActivityPub and the #fediverse is a fascinating journey marked by innovation, collaboration, and the ever-present struggle between open and closed systems. To understand this history, we must delve into the origins of ActivityPub and its evolution within the context of the broader #openweb movement. ActivityPub emerged as a response to the limitations […]

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The influence of NGOs in social activism raises concerns

In an era dominated by centralized #dotcons platforms and gatekeepers, the #openweb represents a beacon of hope for progressive society. Rooted in the #4opens principles of decentralization, open standards, and inclusivity, the openweb fosters a culture of freedom, collaboration, and innovation. In contrast, the rise of #NGO #slacktivism and the influence of NGOs highlight the […]

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The mess we have made in tech

The last 40 years of technological development and its impact on society, coupled with the growing urgency of addressing #climatechange, highlight the need to fundamentally change the way we approach technology. Here are some key points: In summary, the challenges posed by #climatechaos necessitate a radical reimagining of technology and its role in society. By […]

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The mess we made with the dotcons

An example of this is the evolution of the #dotcons #Twitter from a neoliberal space to one with fascist tendencies under Elon Musk’s serves as a stark reminder of the pitfalls of unchecked corporate power and the susceptibility of #dotcons platforms to authoritarian control. Also, there are broader lessons in the behaviour of people within […]