The Slow Evaporation of FOSS value

The article “The Slow Evaporation of the FOSS Surplus” by Baldur Bjarnason discusses the gradual decline in the effectiveness and sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (#FOSS) within, unspoken context of a capitalist economy. The argument is that FOSS, once a thriving ecosystem driven by community effort and collaboration, is now being drained of…

Linking on the #OpenWeb: Why It Matters

The concept of linking is fundamental to the structure and philosophy of the web. Links are not simply a technical feature; they are the social connective tissue of the internet of people, enabling decentralized and interconnected paths where information is shared and accessed. However, as centralized platforms, the #dotcons, gained dominance, the social art and…

The victimhood narrative needs composting

The current state of discourse, particularly the ways in which left and right ideologies, have become so intertwined and confused that it’s difficult for people to distinguish between them. This post critiques the tendency of both sides to adopt a “victimhood narrative,” which is both unproductive and disempowering. The mess we have made in modern…

Bogged down in negative criticism, let’s focus on building something better

The mess we made with our addiction to #dotcons social media over the last 20 years means we need to look at the broader implications of how we interact with these platforms if we are to step away from this mess. Yes, criticism is a first step, a second step is seeding #openweb alternatives, then…

Moving Forward, A Few Practical Suggestions

We likely share a deep frustration with the current state of #mainstreaming society, particularly that people have willingly stayed inside and thus are complicit in the harmful systems perpetuated by #dotcons. How can we emphasize the importance of stepping away from these toxic paths to take genuine openweb paths rather than just renaming or repackaging…

indymediaback “Don’t Hate the Media, Be the Media!” UK #indymedia, near death, was ripped in two by internal social forces – These two “victorious”, blood-spattered parts promptly expired. The battle of open/closed, spiky/fluffy had NO GOOD OUTCOME. We need to remember this for the reboot. The idea is to:

Open Media Networking

The “unique” selling point of the #OMN (Open Media Network) often gets lost because people focus too much on the technical side rather than the simple, fundamental idea at its core. The real value proposition, which might sound like “common sense,” is quite radical in today’s landscape: in the #OMN, both people and content are…

The Open Governance Body A project outline for the OGB Project description The Open Governance Body (#OGB) project is a set of software tools that encode a governance model structured on traditional grassroots activism. Further, the OGB – for which the code base is named – is a decentralized and democratic system for “governance” of any collective/community consisting…


The Witches Cauldron #MakingHistory you can find the project dev site here (if its online) The open activist archive is a data “commons” based on the #4opens and motivated by the #PGA hallmarks. We are aiming to create a data soup of metadata enriched digital items hosted on redundant federated network of hosts/servers around…

Breaking the circle of #stupidindividualism

One thing, we need to say more is that the right-wing nutters have no brains as conservatism is about not being open to different paths. Our #mainstreaming #fashionistas currently go along with this mess, as the dominant thinking is #stupidindividualism with more “stupid” than individualism in the balance. The problem with conservatism and mainstream conformity,…

The #openweb – Escaping the Grip of the Algorithm

For meany people, the old #dotcons like #Instagram, #Facebook and #Twitter still dominate their online lives, shaping not only what we see but also how we think and interact. These platforms, with their complex algorithms, offer a seductive experience people find hard to resist. The allure is not just in the content they provide, but…

How we bridge current #blocking conversations for change and challenge

There’s an overwhelming amount of toxic nonsense masquerading as “common sense” in our #mainstreaming dialogue. This isn’t just a small problem; it’s a pervasive issue that stifles genuine conversation and constructive change and challenge we need. The challenge is real, but I urge you to take a moment and resist being part of this “common…