What is Socialhub – in the activertypub world

#Socialhub originated as a grassroots alternative space specifically designed to maintain the integrity of the activertypub reboot within its inherent framework. Initially stemming from #activertypub itself, this forum embarked on this trajectory. The emergence of the current #openweb reboot was more serendipitous than deliberate. Amidst the #WC3 proceedings, the absence of the typical mainstream participants…

Can This Platform Survive? Governance Challenges

papers.ssrn.com Can This Platform Survive? Governance Challenges for the Fediverse 8 A paper on the Fediverse by Thomas Struett, American University – School of Communication, Aram Sinnreich, American University – School of Communication, Patricia Aufderheide, American University – School of Communication, Rob Gehl, York University. Interesting #mainstreaming look, that bypasses the grassroots it’s actually talking…

Mess making is a breakdown in communication – ideas please

Interesting #mainstreaming look, that bypasses the grassroots it’s actually talking about, this is a common issue with academic writing, am at Oxford this winter so have every day “organic” expirence of this. For governance, we have a widely discussed project on this forum that is “native” to address all the issues outline in the article…

Cyber capacity and strategic advantage: resilience, influence, and control

Julia Carver is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford and Nuffield College. Her work explores cyber-foreign policymaking and strategic thinking in the current era of great power competition, particularly the relationship between digital infrastructure, capacity building, and strategic advantage. In 2021, she founded the Changing Character of War Centre’s Cyber…

The mission of the NGI is to re-imagine and re-engineer the Internet

We ask that #NGI use “native” approaches and tools at future #openweb events “The mission of the NGI is to re-imagine and re-engineer the Internet… Committed to open source (both hardware and software) and open data… Build an Internet of Trust, empowering end-users… the concept of the Digital Commons, which is particularly crucial for Europe,…

Upton Lecture 2023: Fake News: Learning from Spinoza

Tonight a touch of philosophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_James_(philosopher) I wonder what the is to learn from this, it’s my subject #openweb and the media. Upton Lecture 2023: Fake News: Learning from Spinoza Susan James is Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck, University of London. She has held faculty positions at the University of Connecticut and the University of…

A scrypt for the #OGB video

[Background music playing] Narrator: In a world dominated by #mainstreaming narratives and centralized control, there is a project that dares to think differently. Introducing the #OGB project, an initiative focused on developing trust-based conversations and governance in the #openweb. [Visual of people engaging in conversations and collaborating] Narrator: The OGB project is built upon years…

The signal to noise issue of our #geekproblem

#Mastodon and the wider #fedivers are native #openweb project based on the #4opens people who try to “harden” and “secure” these are completely missing where the value is at. They are spreading #FUD and endangering real activists acting this way. Media is “open” using #ActivertyPub. Anything that is not media should use encrypted p2p chat,…

Signal to noise on the #FBI seazing a database of a fediverse instance

https://kolektiva.social/@admin/110637031574056150 The #Fediverse is all #4opens so should not be used for anything that should be P2P encrypted. It’s important to keep this clear to users by not focused on the fig leaf of “hardening” security as the is non. It’s a very successful #OMN open media network, and it’s value lies in this. Peoples…