Historically, #mainstreaming politics exhibited a tendency to shift to the right during times of crisis

The intersection of #climatechange, #mainstreaming politics, and fear is a complex phenomenon that influences societal attitudes and policies. Historically, mainstream politics has exhibited a tendency to shift towards the right during times of crisis, and the looming specter of #climatechaos is following this trend. In this context, it is essential to recognize the pivotal role…

Digital waste – shouting into the void

Interesting links on “digital” waste https://gerrymcgovern.com/world-wide-waste/ https://volume.lboro.ac.uk/digital-waste-polluting-the-planet/ https://theconversation.com/dark-data-is-killing-the-planet-we-need-digital-decarbonisation-190423 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/15/power-grab-hidden-costs-of-ireland-datacentre-boom https://digitaldecarb.org/ This is true. With the #OMN we are building tools for use, not for distraction, shouting into the void is not the project. Community, talking to community, is the core mission. The “personal” is not a part of our core project. This is alien to…

Funding Application: Building the Open Media Network

Funding Application: Building the Open Media Network Project Overview: The Open Media Network (#OMN) is an innovative project aiming to construct a trust-based, human-moderated, and decentralized database shared across multiple peers, encompassing both peer-to-peer (p2p) and server-based architecture. OMN is centred around the #4opens principles, emphasizing openness, transparency, collaboration, and decentralized control. The project’s primary…

Why are tech alternative to the #mainstreaming important.

The #OMN family of projects holds significant importance in the realm of digital media and online communication for several reasons: Decentralization: The #OMN family emphasizes decentralization, allowing people and communities to have greater control over their own media environments. By decentralizing content creation, distribution, and consumption, the #OMN projects promote diversity of voices and perspectives,…

Funding Application: MakingHistory – Archiving the Open Media Network

Project Overview: MakingHistory is an initiative within the Open Media Network (#OMN) aimed at preserving and archiving digital content shared across the network. It operates on the same principles and workflow as the renowned Indymedia project but utilizes a different template to organize and categorize content. The primary objective of MakingHistory is to ensure that…

Who is the change and challenge we need?

#Deathcult dilemma, over the past 40 years, #mainstreaming society has been driven by a choice between the “nice” and “nasty” facets of a #deathcult, with fear often pushing people towards the latter. This has led to catastrophic consequences, over the next ten years millions of deaths and billions of people displaced. With our society’s focus…

Clues on how to compost #mainstremining #deathcult worshiping

 This is a #lifecult that has been overwhelmed with the mess we all push. The activists are shovelling and composting for the first time in 40 years faster than we all spread shit over the world. Help them please, don’t be a “common sense” #deathcult worshipper. This is a #deathcult the only power the isolated…

Shut down https://activism.openworlds.info instances on 2023-10-07 due to lack of funding

https://activism.openworlds.info #modteam for your information Payment History 2023-09-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2020-09-15 €540.00 ▼ 2023-08-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2023-07-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2023-06-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-05-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-04-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-03-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-02-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2023-01-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2022-12-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2022-11-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2019-09-15 €60.00 ▼ 2018-09-15 €60.00 ▼ 2018-08-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-07-22 €5.00 ▼…