In protest camps, squats, rainbow gatherings, akt-tech the is a long history of “liberals” pushing in with “common sense” agenda to distroy working alternatives. Our “liberals” have little understanding of the damage they do when this happens, for them this disstruction simply proves the alt’s are NOT posspable and thus their common sense is reinforced…
Looking and learning – life on the water on a scruffy boat
What did I learn from my 3-months back in London, cruising the waterways? #CRT have learned from their failures in the past and the long history of British Waterways. They are going slow, 3 steps forwarded 2 steps back in their removal of “nuisance” boaters. That’s us, the CC boaters without a home mooring. A…
Fluff/spiky debate and the respect for diversity of tactics – talking to the coop tech crew
I’ve changed the title of this thread as it seems to have drifted away from its original topic (and my apologies for the poor choice of original name). The changing of title is telling for what we are talking about here “Fluffy” vs “Spiky” is the perfect example of the problem. Fluff/spiky debate and the…
We live in a world full of monsters dressed in fluffy clothes
Monsters, scratch our fluff crew, and they turn spiky, repression is a universal human problem to be mediated. The subject of the fluffy/spiky debate – respect for diversity and the desire for debate based on this respect is a core outcome. We need to build bridges. If you suffer from stress in this context, please…
Talking to the burocractic coop crew
A. I find it interesting, and revealing, that nobody here actually talked about what the thried was about Online governance – openwebgovernancebody – Gitea: Open Media Network 1 If you can look outside your world view… We are doing a funding proposal to do the simple well tested project/workflow (which we know dues not scale)…
From chaos comes order
“You first need to discover as much as possible relevant items within the desired domain, meaning that everything needs to be discoverable (i.e. it needs to be made available and be accessible, but also the right structure and metadata need to be in place for everything to be properly indexed and categorised)” The #OMN is…
The fedivers – We need to now not fight like we always do
Let’s look at tech politics for a moment, all technology is based on political and economic assumptions. The fedivers is born outa “stupid” anarchism There are a crew pushing for cooperative socialism The is the #mainstreaming of common-sense capitalism We have our athoratern side but it has little focus All of human history has been…
What is the #OMN project for
The #OMN is about building #KISS bootem up trust based media networks for publishing and soughing content with enriched metadata flows. In the end you have a “stupidly simple semantic web of media object “cauldrons” and flows build up from a local level. What you/we do with this is up to the users/producers… this is…
Let’s talk about the journalism
How do we move the #indymediaback project forward. let’s start with history. The editorial workflow of #OMN is based on #indymediaback which is based on basic grassroots journalism growing from radical anarchist traditions. The newswire is made up of original content published to the site and aggregated flows from a trust network of #4opens sites…