
All “standards” are social agreements/consensuses

Q. I am looking for the definition of open standards, and it’s quite foggy. I found on something useful, but it’s still a candle in the dark A. it’s an under resourced process for the #openweb that need input. It’s at the heart of the #OMN project. How we define it at the #OMN […]


Over complexity is fixed by trust and #KISS

Q. Still trying to fix permissions issue for peertube ‎why is there always some piddly little issue (that will likely eventually have an easy fix) A. Over complexity is fixed by trust and #KISS the problems we face now are complexity built on top of complexity. This is largely pushed by ‘security’ which is a […]


History’s of indymedia are full of academic wank

Q. I wish the hacker culture connection to anarchism was more thorough and consistent. It looks a lot more like privileged fuckery and pet insurrections. It could be that the academic scene wasn’t representative of the movement as a whole A. I would largely ignore the existing academic history of anachronism and tech as it […]


Thinking about #OMN from 4 years ago

I have found memories of fighting the Power Politics of the “undead left” during the London Social Forum many years ago – lots of knotted strings of organic garlic around the top “taking the power table” to highlight the uncomfortable “undead left´s” grasping for power. Then the ad hock crew taking away the top table […]


Shifting power in #openweb projects

Before we dive into the whole open/closed misunderstanding/fight it would be good to look at the different roles in a project and who has the power to say yes/no at each level. admin mod producer user reader “closed” the power is concentrated at the top. “open” it is shifted down to the producer. The reader […]


Why use the hashtags?

The #OMN is based on “nothing new” as a core project process. Though we do describe things in different ways than they are normally described, we use everyday metaphors for the language of computing and coding where necessary, we use nature metaphors where possible. We have lived in a deeply damaging era for the last […]


A conversation on #OMN issues around metadata

* Capitalism wants to privatise metadata to the #dotcons and the capitalist then control the government – fascism is back into fashion. * Chinese communism, wants the state to control the metadata, so they can control capitalism, we are back to the command economy just digitised. * Liberalism want to privatise metadata to the individual […]


#4opens #review Threema GmbH Seriously Secure Messaging

#4opens #review Threema GmbH Seriously Secure Messaging The #4opens: Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project. * Open data – is the basic part of a project without this open they cannot work. – you can likely download your chats and metadata, seams to be there so […]


Can you host videos over Tor?

Q. lf we know someone who could host videos over Tor, could that help you? Is the software Tor/clearnet agnostic? A.  it might be an abuse of the #tor network to stream videos over it as it has limited bandwidth and is run on a volunteer bases. It would be a please have a […]


Report back on #XR peertube/youtube video posting experiment

Report back on peertube/youtube video posting experiment. #XR video posted only to peertube got 18 views in 48 hours. Video posted only to youtube got 26 views in 24 hours so far. Both videos were nice fluffy #XR shared widely in meany #dotcons groups with 1-10k subscribers so in theory to 20-50k people based on […]