NFT – The whole thing is a scam

A. We have to stop our #fashionista falling for this #encryptionist crap
NFTs are actually a terrible way to support artists. Most artists don’t break even on NFTs. The only people you are supporting are greedy pyramid scheme salesmen, and unnecessarily acidifying the oceans.

Q. what are your sources that suggest most artists don’t break even on NFTs. That sounds like a dubious claim.

A. There are a ton of link on this…/how-much-it-actually-cost-to-sell… How Much It Actually Cost to Sell an NFT.

Q. interesting, but that doesn’t suggest most artists break even, that just seems like a lesson learned about that particular author’s experience. Costs that people unfamiliar with the platform need to consider before trying to mint an NFT with that particular platform.
None of those things are inherent to NFT as a technology, and is just related to that very specific way of doing it, and it’s not the only way.

A. do a search the money reflects the electrical power to do the transaction and to a less extent the cost of the system hardware. It’s a complete catastrophe, whatever way you look at it. And don’t believe the hype about version 02 as that is based on hundreds of thousands of hard rives spinning pointlessly. The whole thing is a scam.

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