Let’s talk about the journalism

How do we move the #indymediaback project forward.

let’s start with history. The editorial workflow of #OMN is based on #indymediaback which is based on basic grassroots journalism growing from radical anarchist traditions.

The newswire is made up of original content published to the site and aggregated flows from a trust network of sites built out of a community of interest/affinity groups.

Using the and we start the step away from “post truth” by grounding this flow in a community of action bounded by physical locations.


The “news” value of “this happened” Who, What, When, Where, Why.

From this a feature flow is built by the core affinity group to show the storeys from different views as a “consensuses” centre column articles.

These articles are then aggregated to other subject/geographic instances newswires.

In this the small streams/flows build a strong river of “social truth” that feeds into seeding a more humane world.

The wider #OMN network, using the fresh newswire and aggregated features to build wider features – these “social truth” networks links the humane world from a grounded real grassroots action/communities.

We build society from the bootem up rather than the old top down of #traditionalmedia/governances.

This itself shifts and moves solutions by aggregation and drives social economics to humane agender. In the end we play/build a new more humane/ecological world.

To move this part of the project on:

We need “news” a flow of subject/geographic 5W newswire posts on the 3 test instances – then we need to cross-link these by turning the instance based flows into feature articles.

These are aggregated across to the other instances and pushed out to the #fedivers for comments and feedback which then flows back into the #indymediaback instances to the newswire. This new flow needs to be cross-linked into articles, all linking back to the source.

From this we can flesh out the training resources and start the outreach of the project properly, build the power of different voices.


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