We are surrounded by piles of #techshit, why are we in such a mess. Imagine buying a new car to find out that you can’t replace the tires when they wear out. Instead, you’re forced to pay an exorbitant amount to get them fixed at an authorized repair shop. Sounds ridiculous? Well, this scenario isn’t far from reality when it comes to tech products like smartphones, printers, or household appliances. This is the world of planned obsolescence.
Cartels and Monopoly:
Planned obsolescence isn’t a random occurrence; it’s a strategy employed by tech companies to keep us perpetually consuming. It’s a story as old as #capitalism itself to maximize profits at any cost.
Why Things Break More Often?
Have you ever wondered why your new printer is dirt cheap, but the ink cartridges cost a fortune? Or why your smartphone seems to slow down just before the latest model is released? It’s all part of a scheme to make you buy more frequently. Planned obsolescence ensures that products break down faster, become obsolete quicker, and push us into a cycle of constant consumption.
Strategies for Reducing Product Lifespan:
Repair locking, software limitations, and compromised durability are a few tactics used to ensure that our gadgets don’t last as long as they should. Ever noticed those tricky screws in your smartphone that prevent easy repairs? Or the sudden software updates that render your device sluggish? It’s all part of this plan.
Environmental Impact and Political Consequences:
The consequences of planned obsolescence are deeper than personal consumer frustration. It leads to overproduction, waste, and environmental degradation. The mountains of e-waste generated by discarded gadgets are a testament to the unsustainable nature of our consumption habits. Moreover, planned obsolescence fuels imperialist domination and conflicts in resource-rich regions.
Perceived Obsolescence:
It’s not just about making things break; it’s also about making perfectly usable items seem outdated. Fashion industries thrive on perceived obsolescence, constantly churning out new trends to keep people buying. It’s a never-ending cycle of consumption driven by manufactured insecurities.
What’s the Solution?
Reformism simply won’t cut it. Repairing items yourself or pushing for right-to-repair legislation helps, but won’t touch the systemic issue. Fundamental social change, socialism offers a real alternative where production is based on need, not profit.
Do you have a shovel?
In conclusion, we need to compost #TechShit by challenging planned obsolescence and pushing hard for a system that prioritizes sustainability, environmental and social over profit. I talk a lot on this blog, https://hamishcampbell.com