Breaking the circle of #stupidindividualism

One thing, we need to say more is that the right-wing nutters have no brains as conservatism is about not being open to different paths. Our #mainstreaming #fashionistas currently go along with this mess, as the dominant thinking is #stupidindividualism with more “stupid” than individualism in the balance. The problem with conservatism and mainstream conformity, particularly in its most extreme forms, is the stubborn refusal to consider alternative paths or any ideas outside this “common sense” messy path. This rigidity leads to a lack of critical thinking and an inability to adapt to changing circumstances that we need in the era of #climatechaos and resulting migration that is pushing social brake down.

Mainstream #fashionistas, our so-called “mainstream” influencers and trendsetters do little beyond reinforcing the status quo, mindlessly adopting and promoting the same tired, profitable, ideas without questioning their social impact or validity. This behaviour perpetuates the narrow, unchallenged, world-view which is creating more mess, that we then need to compost and we don’t have working shovels #OMN

#Stupidindividualism is at the heart of this, the 40 years of extreme individualism—where personal success and self-interest are valued above any sustainable path of collective well-being. This mindset breeds division and makes it difficult for people to work together for meaningful change. Some ideas for moving beyond the mess:

  1. Embrace Balancing Collective Action and Individualism. Solidarity, not solitude, to shift the focus from individual success to collective well-being. Encourage movements and initiatives that emphasize cooperation, community support, and shared goals. Build and get involved in local groups, cooperatives, or organizations that prioritize communal benefits over selfish short term gain to build networks that challenge and change the status quo from the ground up.
  2. Cultivate Critical Thinking, to question dominant narratives, especially towards mainstream media, political rhetoric, and cultural norms. Challenge the ideas that are taken for granted and promote alternative perspectives. Educate and inform to foster a deeper understanding of social, economic, and political issues. Promote learning that goes beyond surface-level understanding and reaches into issues that matter.
  3. Advocate for Systemic Change by pushing for changes that address the grassroots causes of social issues, rather than the normal superficial “fixes”. This involves advocating for economic justice, environmental sustainability, and comprehensive social policies to support radical Ideas. Its important
    not to shy away from radical and unconventional ideas. Most of the time, real progress requires stepping outside the comfort zone of conventional thinking.
  4. Resist Conformity and Consumerism, by being aware of how #mainstreaming culture co-opts and neutralize dissenting ideas. Actively resist the pressure to conform to dominant trends that do not align with values or the path of greater good. One non-controversial path is to promote sustainable alternatives. Support ethical and socially responsible alternatives in all areas of life. #KISS challenge the idea that consumerism is the primary way to express individuality.

To move beyond the current mess, we need to break free from the cycle of stupid individualism and mainstream conformity. By embracing collective action, fostering critical thinking, advocating for systemic change, and resisting conformity, we can step away from rigid “invisible” ideologies and mindless focus that shapes the current #deathcult path we are all a part of.

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