The OMN an easy project for everyone

Published Date 12/24/16 6:18 PM

The OMN an easy project for everyone

Producer groups have to put in minimal effort only puting a linking sidebar on their site and providing a RSS feed into the network.

These can be:

* Tag based content list “you might be interested in this”

* Tag based site link list “blog roll”

* Tag based video player embed “good films”

Optional: a site can add a badge to say its a member of the network.

What do they get out of it?

Google juice from the wide links back to their website and their content.

Clicks and content audience for all sites of the network rather than just their own.

More commenting from cross site conversations in their CMS comment system

On social media (the #dotcons)

They get a wider sharing of their content to work its way round the FB algorithm restrictions.

More “likes” on their #failbook pages to help boost the 3% organic reach.

Well a warm fashernista feeling of being part of something whole/bigger.

A geeky feeling of doing something real geeky.

We join together to push the “undercurrents” up and into the “mainstream”.

Badging the OMN

Is based on the to get a badge a site has to embed at least one linking embed somewhere (relatively) prominent on their site to become a member of the network. The Badge will link to the OMN project page, maybe this could have a list of OMN sites, as well as hosting the basic project docs.

Gold – 4opens

Silver – 3opens

Bronze – 2opens

We need some one to design these “badges” its up to site owners if/were they use them.

The OMN is a project of the 4opens and the PGA hallmarks.

A example live edit TV studio schedule

Published Date 12/23/16 7:26 PM

We use to do a lot of live edit TV studios (though rember this one had a lot of tech issues) STUDIO INTERVIEW SCHEDULE






Duncan Campbell  CONFIRMED

David Crouch  proposed

Workshop: Inside the Belly of the Beast: Radicals in the Mainstream Media (Sat 2.15-3.45pm)



Greg Philo  proposed

(Sat: 2.15-3.45  Know Your Enemy:  Who Controls the Media)

Mark Curtis  proposed

SHARED WORKSHOP: War and the Media (Sat 4.15-5.45pm)







Ciaran Moore CONFIRMED

Wkshp: Dole TV: Television from Ireland’s Unemployed (Sat 4.14-5.45)



Laurie Penny proposed  

Nimco Ali  proposed

Wkshp:  The F-Word: Feminist Media  for the 21st Century (Sat: 4.15-5.45pm)




Sakura Saunders  CONFIRMED

Teresa Marshall  CONFIRMED

Leah Borromeo CONFIRMED

WORKSHOP:  Meet the Radical Media Makers (Sat 2.15-3.45pm)



Michael Albert CONFIRMED

Wkshp: ZNet, ZSocial and Beyond (Sun: 11.30-1pm)



Bill Thompson proposed

Becky Hogge proposed

Wkshp: Whose Internet is it? Are We Losing the War? (Sat 2.15-3.45 )



John Pilger  CONFIRMED

Workshop: War and the Media (Sat 4.15-5.45pm)









Workshop: Think Radical! Act Local (Sun: 9.30-11am)



Corine Dhondee proposed

Peter Tatchell (Outrage)

Eleanor Lisney CONFIRMED

Worskhop: Getting Your Own Back: Is a media problem shared a media problem solved?



Dan Hind proposed (Sun 11.30-1 UK Media Reform  in the Digital Age

Ruth Potts  CONFIRMED (Sun: 2-3.15 De-throning Economics and Business Reporting)

BOTH ARE IN:  Changing the System, Radical Visions for Transforming the UK’s Media (Sun 10.30-11.30)



Zahera Harb (x3) possible (call her) (Sat: 2.15-3.45pm PR, Propaganda and Censorship; Sun: 11.30-1pm We Are Everywhere: Voices from the Global South) OR 5pm Sunday (see below)

SUN 13.30 Taesun Kwon proposed

SHARED WORKSHOP: We Are Everywhere: Voices from

the Global South (Sun 11.30-1pm)



Simon Murray (Shake person) for him to propose to his group (Samia, Selina etc)

Workshop: Unheard Voices: Youth, ‘The Riots’ and the Media Sun: 11.30-1pm



Zahera Harb CONFIRMED (Sat: 2.15-3.45  PR, Propaganda and Censorship; Sun: 11.30-1pm We Are Everywhere: Voices from the Global South)


Possible interview


Cynthia Cockburn (x2) (Sat 2.15 – 3.45 Out of the Ivory Tower: Making Academic Research Relevant to Journalists and Activists)

Natalie Fenton (Sat: 2.15-3.45  Know Your Enemy: Who Controls the Media)

Kate  Belgrave (Sat 2.25-3.45  Mind the Gap: What’s Missing from the UK Radical Media Scene)

Marc Wadsworth (facilitator Sat 2.15-3.45 Out of the Ivory Tower: Making Academic Research Relevant to Journalists and Activists)

Philip Hammond (Sat 2.15 – 3.45 Out of the Ivory Tower: Making Academic Research Relevant to Journalists and Activists)

Steven Speed (Sun: 9.30-11 Think Radical! Act Local)

Susanne Schuster (Sun: 9.30-11 Crossing the Language Barrier: Activist Translation)

Lidy Nacpil (facilitator,  Sun: 11.30-1pm We Are Everywhere: Voices from the Global South)

Gareth Evans (facilitator, Sun 11.30-1pm Just Doing It: Women Documentary Makers and Social Change

Alison Edgley (x2) (Sat: 4.15-5.45 The ABCs of the Propaganda Model)

David Miller (x2) (Sat: 2.15-3.45  Know Your Enemy: Who Controls the Media; Sat: 4.15-5.45  Tripping the Powerful: How Spinwatch Investigates Corruption and Abuses of Power)

Hazel Healey Saving the (Radical) Press (Sat 4.15-5.45pm)

The Witches Cauldron open activist archive

Published Date 12/23/16 1:26 PM

The Witches Cauldron

The open activist archive is a data “commons” based on the and motivated by the #PGA hallmarks.

We are aiming to create a data soup of metadata enriched digital items hosted on redundant federated network of hosts/servers around the world. The project will start by hosting the majority of the content from the expo on

Anyone can be part of this federated network which will be built out using the tools of the Open Media Network #OMN and #KISS to facilitate DIY is at the core of the project.

In this as a general statement we REJECT arrogant “expert’s” and “better” technological solutions that move us away from this core #KISS and #DIY ethos of The Witches Cauldron project. Simple and human scale or we will #FAIL should be in our minds as new people grow the project.

Ruffcuts project

An early copy left project I setup while at undercurrents


The project is complemtery to the VHS news video; it entails putting lots of roughly edited news shorts and good video clips on to a computer playerbal CD-ROM.


  • The CD’s can be freely copied and given away

  • The CD’s can be sold by us and the video producers to raise production costs.

  • They could be used for campaigning fundraising.


This is a radical alt-media project using existing simple, universal and very cheap technology. The common CD ROM, entwined with the international video standard MPG, and the web standard HTML.


Easy to edit

Basic editing is much easier now. Once you have an editing laptop it becomes second nature to do a ruff edit of any story you cover.


DIY media

Of course making something that people will really watch is a little more time consuming and difficult. This project isn’t aiming to be whatchabel in the traditional way. It’s more for the people who were at the action or as a video resource. Also a means of communicating the fact that things you don’t see on tely are going on. People can get one of the actions they were on and of course will also get video of lots of other actions… It’s a stepping stone for people to create more polished and finished pieces for the undercurrents news video.


Indymedia Vagabonds

It’s a great distribution tool for an indymedia vagabond with a laptop with a CD burner and a DV camera. Get a long contacts list, a round the world ticket, shoot stories as you go and create and sell CD’s to finances the whole shebang, in the process nurturing the alt-media distribution network.


Copy-left and funding

The CD’s would be copyleft, that is, free to reproduce not-for-profit in whatever form. Anyone could create copies and give them away… If they sold them for profit this would break the copyleft agreement, unless they had a fund raising agreement. The outcome of this would be that the CD’s would be free to activists, who would get off the behinds and copy the CD’s (for free) for there friends and campains.


Sell the video CD’s for say:


£5 unwaged

£10 waged

£40 institutions


We would agree to the selling of the CD’s in most circumstances


As a fund raser for a good course or project.

If the individual or organization produced one of the video slots on the CD.

With a funding sharing licenses


The project becomes sustainable to all concerned because the CD’s can be sold by both the producers and contributors with certain limitations.


Free to give away

The CD’s are of course free for anyone to produces and give away.


Contributor sales

The producer of each video segment (or for each 5 min) automatically has the right to create and sell £100 ponds worth of CD’s. After this they can sell CD’s on the normal fund sharing bases.


Funding sharing

The CD’s can be sold by people who have an agreement with ruff cuts, this will be on a funding sharing bases with 1/3 going to Ruff cuts and 2/3 of the sale prices going to the fundraising organization. This would be around £1.50 for a £5 sale and £3 for a £10 sale.


Notes on funding

The “free” contributor sales are limited to stop abuse of the system, with out some limit an enterprising capitalist, who made one piece, could make seruse money out of other people’s work. Why have money coming into the center? After working all my life in the alternative I am very awear that projects tend to disintegrate if the is not a strong focus to what they are doing. For this project to work well we need a sustainable core to the project, from both an infrastructure point of view and the people working on the project.


Sustainability need to cover the cost of the technology, Laptop, DV deck, Camera, tapes and Blank CD’s. The replacement cost of the laptop or Camera is around £1500… they will brake or get stolen. Thus need a cersurten level of funding not only to subsist but also to cover replacement cost of expensive equipment. For the project to have a strong core it needs to be abeal to provide the people working on it with a resnebal subsistence’s wage, which they would augment threw what ever other projects they were involved in.



Out reach persion

Offices continuerty

Traning cordenter


Video activist training

At the core of this project is not only the means of distribution, but a strong commitment to training as a means of creating content to distribute. If the project managed to create excess funding, that is it makes a profit this would be plowed back into firstly video activist training. This would also be a process of re-distributing the core funding to the producers, as the obverse choice to run the video training would be the very dispersed and embed in there communities producers of the ruff cuts video them self. And secondly to fund outreach screenings to the wider community.


Ruff cuts is both a process and a distribution technology that needs to be imbedded in the full breapth of the alt-media and wider globalization moment. Should be a joint project with indymedia? As a means of getting new video stories, fundraising and sharing distribution. But all the problems of working with a disorganization!


The basic Ruff Cuts MPG1 CD-ROM can be complemented by the higher quality MPG2 SVCD standard which allows around 40 minits of “DVD” quality video on a standard CD, this would allow more established video activist groups to distribution of more polished full length documenetrys threw the copy-left network.


The advantages of the Video CD over VHS:


Copying time CD takes around 10 minutes, VHS 1 hour

Similar quality of video

Can fit over 1 hour of video on a CD

Can be instantly edited, rearranged, dubbed or subtitled

Small to carry and cheap to post.

Will play on very widely availably low-speck computers

Will play on any computer platform, Mac, PC, UNIX etc.

Very cheap to mass-produce.

Making them one off with CD-R’s takes about 10 min and costs around 50p with label and cover

Commercially printing them makes them cheap anufe to give away 25p or less.

Sexy – cool image of video CD

Could be distributed threw more traditional outlets? Given away on magazine covers?


Advantages of the project for Undercurrents Archive (optional but worthwhile)


The undercurrents archive is both a wonderful resores for video activist film makers and a place were the ethical mainstream can get access images and voices from “our” point of view. The archive manages to servie and pay one meager wage threw these sales. The ruff cuts encoding of the MPG1 would bring much new footage coming threw the archive, which if the original producer agreed could be placed in the archive. This would be good both from a historical point of view; it would preserve the history of this alternative movement and from a finatial point of view of the producer and the archive if the video was used in more mainstream ethical productions. The CD-ROM would act as a good shop window for the archive – as the MPG1 video is only ¼ of broadcast resolution anyone who seriously wonted to make money from the video would need access to the full resolution original.


The global ruff cuts network

This project at the moment is an English language one, we need to think of other language versions – I prefer languages rather than nations as a means of making divisions, to be discussed during the process of launching the UK (global) model. It is relatively easy to make the Txt on the CD’s multy language, and the with some clever programming subtitles on the video could be made multilingual – that is you could choice the language but this would be a lot of work and commitment which I don’t think is around at the moment.


The advantages of the copyleft system


It means that any productions using part of the MPG1 video from the CD would have to be distributed under the copyleft system, thus could not be charged for. It normalizes the problem/delight of rampant piracy of the video pieces which exists already with out undermining the fundraising potential of the original producer of the video. It always camera people to feel more secure letting there video out into the world, thus allowing more people to see radical images. It is a positive alternative to the problem of hording lots of dusty tapes unviewed on shelves…


It decentralizes the distribution system while allowing some money to come back to the producers. Even if they have to sell the Video CD’s them selves!


Some technological aids to the distribution problem of alt-media


  1. Ruff cuts video CD project – provides VHS quality video which can be instantly edited or changed, dropped into people own projects. With web links to organization and more info. Have two CD’s finished.


  1. Video CD’s simple to use and copy VHS quality video, am in the process of encoding the undercurrents tapes 1-10 in this format. Have done undercurrents 10


  1. SVCD’s are 40 min’s of hi-quality “DVD” on a standard CD, a good format for relicesing new documentary’s have Globalization and the media on this format.





A copy left contract (needs to be cutermised)






Copyright © 1999-2001 Michael Stutz <> Verbatim copying of this document is permitted, in any medium.




Copyright law gives certain exclusive rights to the author of a work, including the rights to copy, modify and distribute the work (the “reproductive,” “adaptative,” and “distribution” rights).


The idea of “copyleft” is to willfully revoke the exclusivity of those rights under certain terms and conditions, so that anyone can copy and distribute the work or properly attributed derivative works, while all copies remain under the same terms and conditions as the original.


The intent of this license is to be a general “copyleft” that can be applied to any kind of work that has protection under copyright. This license states those certain conditions under which a work published under its terms may be copied, distributed, and modified.


Whereas “design science” is a strategy for the development of artifacts as a way to reform the environment (not people) and subsequently improve the universal standard of living, this Design Science License was written and deployed as a strategy for promoting the progress of science and art through reform of the environment.




“License” shall mean this Design Science License. The License applies to any work which contains a notice placed by the work’s copyright holder stating that it is published under the terms of this Design Science License.


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(Examples of “Source Data” include, but are not limited to, the following: if the Work is an image file composed and edited in PNG format, then the original PNG source file is the Source Data; if the Work is an MPEG 1.0 layer 3 digital audio recording made from a WAV format audio file recording of an analog source, then the original WAV file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed as an unformatted plaintext file, then that file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed in LaTeX, the LaTeX file(s) and any image files and/or custom macros necessary for compilation constitute the Source Data.)


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Permission is granted to modify or sample from a copy of the Work, producing a derivative work, and to distribute the derivative work under the terms described in the section for distribution above, provided that the following terms are met:


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Copying, distributing or modifying the Work (including but not limited to sampling from the Work in a new work) indicates acceptance of these terms. If you do not follow the terms of this License, any rights granted to you by the License are null and void. The copying, distribution or modification of the Work outside of the terms described in this License is expressly prohibited by law.


If for any reason, conditions are imposed on you that forbid you to fulfill the conditions of this License, you may not copy, distribute or modify the Work at all.


If any part of this License is found to be in conflict with the law, that part shall be interpreted in its broadest meaning consistent with the law, and no other parts of the License shall be affected.











Undercurrents in the Mainstream The Trojan Horse Application

This was an profetic project outline from 2001 (or 2007 cant quite tell)

Undercurrents in the Mainstream.

The Trojan Horse Application

A proposal for a world-wide workers co-operative approach to New Media – A Universal TV Channel.

.By Hamish Campbell

Imagine an internet TV channel where anyone can put anything in and take anything out.

Imagine a personalised channel just for you.

We need to jump from current TV to future TV by providing the simulation of a traditional streaming channel, personalised to the viewer, while opening up the interactive possibilities intrinsic to the internet. That is carry a profile of people’s interests and work at stretching that profile. That is by just challenging them enough – to widen their tastes, to give them the opportunity to follow different streams.

The project is similar to the interactive book in Neil Stevenson’s novel “The diamond age”, “A young lady’s primer”. It has an ideological path – we believe in freedom and justice. Our art and craft is to make that path visible and accessible to a wider range of people. Firstly to inform, secondly to spark off the interest necessary to leave the mainstream, to follow more humane secondary streams. Our advantage lies in our outlook, a more genuine “outsider’s” view of balances.

This project would make real the liberal ideology which our societies applaud. It is an attempt at “concrete-utopia”, the transmission of the best within our society as it stands. Rather than the more normal radical approach of overthrowing the status quo to create the new.


Individual liberty

Equality of opportunity

A mixed economy


A world approach

A local approach

How this will work with broadband internet TV.

We are moving into a cybernetic age, we rely more and more on computers in our everyday life, the mainstream of this is a dulling social control by faceless corporations. However, many people are attempting to use technology as an extension, a facilitating of human potential. An example is the use of a Psion palmtop computer to act as an external brain. It not only provides for the replacement of hand writing, it remembers names, corrects the spelling of official correspondences and acts as a continuing conversation in diary form. The very act of adding entries fixes them in the user’s mind, and facilitates the organisation of overlapping, complex, forget-filled lives. The users do not have to remember the everyday, they carry it in their pockets. This is how the universal TV channel would work.


In the mainstream the mantra of who, what, where is not new, though with interactive consumption it is taking on a new importance. Profiling is big on the NET, everyone is after personal information to “personalise” the alienation of blind consumption. Looking into this can of rotting worms can we find anything worth composting to enrich our garden?

Proposal for a self-directed TV channel.

A global TV channel, starting small and part time with the current technology and skills, in stages moving into an open universal global media outlet. The experience for individuals is that each has a channel, you can sample others’ channels by amalgamating them with your own – you meet someone, and like their outlook… merge their profile into yours. You like a pop band, merge their channel to yours. This will create overlapping virtual community channels.

In its interactive shape the channel can be made up of tasters, with a list of viewing options, or can be set to play a more traditional no-interactive schedule. Instead of reaching for the TV guide, just look at the options available on your own channel – or any other mainstream or counterculture channel.

You choose which to adjust to bring up a new list of content – much like a real-time review engine. The system then “creates” a channel for you [these can be made up of basic templates]

Your profile will be adjusted in real-time by your choices of program subjects, by your choices of what is in your profile and, finally, you can go into and directly edit your profile.

The content will be freely added by anyone, from more conventional channels or archives to new community or low-budget specials. Content can consist of local issues on council flower beds to the latest Hollywood blockbusters.

The individual or corporation who adds content, fills in a basic profile for the program. When submitted, this is first sent to “reviewers”, that is people who have expressed an interest in reviewing content. They then each add to the program’s profile and when there has been a large enough consensus the program is dynamically added to the schedule, with the new consensus profile. The reviewing process is open to all. The System is open to content from all over the world.

All the profiling data is dynamic. If you give a program a good rating its whole profile will be merged with your current profile. Trashing a program will reverse this – that is it will subtract the profile. This process will be elastic in its effect – it will have a moderate immediate effect and a smaller long term effect. Thus if you are a sports addict and for what ever reason you trash three sports programs and chose a comedy program instead, for the rest of that day you will get comedy and “teasers” of other subjects, the next day you will get half comedy and half sport… on the third day you will get the majority of what you watched on the second, and some of any “teasers” you followed. This process works in reverse, with individual viewers’ profiles affecting the profile of the programs themselves .

The profiling system will work as a tree, with top levels and side levels branching off. The top levels will be decided by the user’s profile, and then dynamically adjusted.

Some profile categories could be:

Fixed: nationality (country/region); language (spoken/subtitles); type (film/documentary/news/sport/commercial, review); subject (searchable key words) etc.

Variable: quality (good – bad), accessibility (easy – difficult), violence (child – adult), erotic (conservative – liberal), ideology (progressive – reactionary) etc.

There are also interesting statistical ways of collecting and processing such information, which could be included.

Self profiling by active intention and passive consumption.

User interface

The basic interface idea is simple, a single button that gives you the option of trashing content you are not interested in. Interface options vary in their level of interactivity, encouraging interactive uses rather than leaving the channel on auto-pilot.

1. Dumb – by trashing programs the user doesn’t like and rating those they do.

2. Basic interaction – by choosing from the cued up list of possible programming that is provided with any user interaction.

3. “What mood am I in?”. Expressed by the web – sliders – the users can express an interest in certain areas by elastically/temporarily changing the sliders on their profile. (dynamically created by their profile, with one or two challenging additions)

4. Traditional key word searching (with or without the aid of their profile).

5. Directly changing their profile. (this complies with data laws)


1. You can make your own, or organisations’ profile public so that other people can watch it and you can watch other’s… Undercurrents, football stars, NGO’s, Channel 4 etc.

2. You can “merge” others profiles in to yours, such as an organisation, famous author’s or popstars. Which will provide an easy way of getting an interesting personal channel, and seeing the world from different points of view.

3. You can bookmark TV series and news services, so that they always appear when a new content comes out.

4. Key words can form part of your profile, such as a city, person or brand.

It is important to realise that any large “outside” change will soon be personalised by your own interactive choices reshaping your profile to represent (and challenge) your point of view . A Universal TV Channel is not about dumming down people, it is about taking away the dull bureaucratic routines needed to choose quality and “truth” in our heavily commercialised and consumptive world.

Next Steps


This is the freeing of human potential, the profiling is not to facilitate people wallowing in their own ghettos. Each channel needs to always carry a iwde range of views. For example, if someone’s profile was largely shaped by sex and sport, the programming would not only be filled by pornography and golfing, but links and teasers for programs on the effect of pornography and the destruction of wildlife by the building of golf courses. In this example, if the viewer followed one of these links, their profile would react and bring up more options – a small, different window opening into a larger world view.


We need a production, editorial and management team. The net, like any “unmoderated free market place”, is filled with dross. An editorial level above the reviewers would add a holistic view to the information flow. Human beings are created by their society – if we do not consciously attempt to shape its flow – we are in continuing danger of polluting and despoiling our commons.

(C.f.: Gerat Harding, Tragedy of the commons.)


1. We need to write a data base to hold the profiling information, templated channels, and provide and input page for content.

2. To create the user interface and local web TV application.

3. Sign up content deals with current internet video hosting sites.

4. Work on the financing and management model.


Is flexible and from a number of conflicting sources. It is interesting to note that the content providers and viewers can choose which revenue funds their viewing in real-time, and this will also control our revenue flow. The project is one of a viewer/producer workers co-operative.

Funding roots

Pay per view

E-commerce’s commissions


State money (grants/regional funding)

Donations (PBS)

Links to commercial sites – both mainstream and counterculture – the balance is decided by people’s own profiles. We take the standard internet commission for referrals and any purchases that these create.

It is important to note that adverts are profiled just like programs. Advertising is very problematic, but the money has to come from somewhere… we could accept advertising and feed this to people’s profiles – for the mainstream this is the goldmine of revenue, and just like goldmines it has the problem of wide spread pollution. The adverts would directly pay to the content providers (video makers) a commission on each viewer with a cut for us as the provider. This is the dream of mad consumptives, though we live in such a world.

Public service? Government money? If this was possible, we could then pass this onto content providers and take a more respectable running cost commission. A good source of funding.

Donations, the old PBS project. May work for special interest groups, again we have the opening of taking a small commission in the middle.

It is important that a proportion from each revenue stream is cross subsidised to all viewed work. Thus the mainstream movies advertising would pay for the counterculture response. Creating the liberal (and freemarket) ideal of “perfect knowledge”.

cut for video producer

cut for redistribution over whole network.

small cut for the host server of the video,

small cut for channel (us)

small cut for channel’s production grants

Thus we are not only a voluntary distribution network, we also pay for content, bringing a wider and more creative mix of local and global content.

You do all know that posting polatics on failbook is a pointless circle of nothingness

Published Date 12/20/16 9:20 PM

You do all know that posting polatics on #failbook is a pointless circle of nothingness. Please stop and do something more usefull.

We have a clective Liberal fantasy in the is an idea that #dotcon can be social useful. Its not what the money (billions) was invested in. They “invested” into a silo/portal for capturing data and capturing users. Letting this “value” free is a liberal delusion in the sense it dues not payback for investment. Your talking an act of enlighten philanthropy or old fashioned nationalization to keep the value for the people who created it – the users.

We now have a problem that most of our best alt media producers are children of the #dotcon and have little or no understanding of the #openweb We need to express positive views of value. #linking #4opens etc all very basic stuff and not hard to do. I wont practical open ideas on were to start on this.


Food for thought for thoughts who do not like conflict

Food for thought for thoughts who do not like conflict. The OMN is based on bypassing the 2 dominant groups who currently control alt/grassroots media. These are the geeks who control/block the tech and the fashernista who push their narrow agenda over the space. Both squarely stand in the way. Go through um or better go round um, any one can try the first – conflict – the second can only be tryed by a soughted crew. That’s what am looking for.

Update: it’s not going to happen enless I find the seeds of such a group. Tryed the conflict root it’s not going to work.

Why do I call Facebook a dotcon

Our current online tools (for example Facebook) were built out from the worst parts of human nature. The challenge facing us is can we build out tools from the best part of human nature (an example would be the OMN) I think this is a nice challenge to have.

Its interesting to think about what shapes the small part of the social flow you see on #failbook and see how other agenda’s dominate what you see as a personal experience.

2) The ego of the CEO and heads of engineering and marketing at Facebook.

3) The agenda’s of the investors in Facebook – this includes front company’s for the intelligence services of the US and many very rich people.

4) The agenda of the advertisers that pay Facebooks bills. The agenda’s that all the above do not wont to push – this is semantically hidden by “we cant sell adverts next to your content”. That is “this is not social engineering”.

5) Anything published outside Facebook silo/portal is pushed down and things published inside Facebooks walls are pushed up. An example of this is that Youtube videos are not always embedded any-more and that #failbook videos are and auto play.

6) The people you friend on Facebook. But this is not unmediated the people who are a better fit to the first 5 points will be pushed more visible than thoughts who do not, who will be pushed down out of view.

7) Your likes and interactions will help the algorithm choice from the “advert friendly content” in your wider feed and push these posts into your news feed.

8) Facebook is clever evil, the algorithm is elastic, you can push it and it will bend. Of course evil cleaver wants you to do this because it learns how you push and how to push you back to shape the above first 5 points.

9) Clever Evil 2 that Facebook will also push though content that it cannot necessary monetize but has the intent to addict you to taking the phone out of your pocket to check every spare moment.

10) Its not only about cats and family photos it about reshaping the world so that Trump and Brexet can happen and we are powerless to do anything about this. All we can do is empower the enemy by feeding it knowledge on how to empower Trumps and Brixets. Shake and repeat, shake and repeat, shake and repeat, shake and repeat.

Draft user storys

More OMN user stores

Tabs Troughton Richard Hering John Hoggett Thomas Barlow can you guys have a go at writing versions of these that are readable by normal people – then I can geek up the originals so they outreach to both worlds. if you wont to #reboot the media this is one way to play a role.

Here I look at wider uses than just alt/grassroots media.

Lucy has an old inactive blog about horses, since #failbook came along almost all activity has moved to a page on this #dotcon but fewer people are seeing her photos/posts and she is annoyed by the nagging adverts asking her to pay for distribution. She likes going to evening classes and sees one on blogging after her art class. Signing up she learns about this new thing the Open Media Network, during a practical part of the class the tutor gets the students to help each other add a “blog role” sidebar to their sites using OMN tools adding a few tags she soon has a list of local horsey sites and blogs linking off a sidebar widget. From this class she finds a group of new proto-blogers to help each other out, they have regular social meetings in her kitchen and after a few months they setup a local news site/noid linking all there blogs together.

Jim is a librarian who has always been interested in counter culture. He has spent the last 10 years collecting all the leaflets and pamphlet he can find on road protesting, climate change, GMO’s ect. One day he goes to his favorite activist news site and finds it offline. Asking around he find that the has been a problem with the server and nobody knows how to reboot it as the volunteer sys admin left 9 months ago. Because of “security” the is no working backup and the only redundant files are on an encrypted harddrive that nobody remembers the password for. All the work and connections of hundreds of people have been lost as well as the archive of media and articles going back 10 years. He had been to a public meeting about the OMN a few months ago and had been interested in how it could be used to create DIY backups of articles flowing through it. Setting up a noid/site is still complex so he has to get some atavist geek friends to help, after a few days its up and running and actively crating a data base of all articles flowing through the network with the tags he choices. In this if any site goes down he, like anyone, can have the full text backup. As text is small he can hold millions of articles on a cheap server and manages to set-up himself a RSS reading app to copy this taged flow to his local computer just in case he has server issues like his now defunct favorite activist website. From this experience he becomes an expert on open data flows.

Jasper is a fashernista geek looking to make a iphone app, he see news as a growth area, as a programmer he has no knowledge or skill producing news content so he is looking for existing sources he can find and use. Being a talent programmer he quickly knocks together a “cover flow” interface with a tag highlighting linking structure. He fills his app with content from a mainstream OMN aggregater noid and highlights the tags in the text to give a interface on this data flow. As his app is tool which data freely flows through he can sell it for $2.99 on the apple store. After a number of good reviews he sells 100,000 installs which allows him to give up his day job in the local council tax office.

Tabs wrights an opinion news blog with hart-warming storeys covering powerful social issues. Currently she has few readers as her distribution is to friends on #failbook. She has known about the OMN since before it started booting up and her content was added ver RSS by one of the founding aggregaters. Since then she has seen her viewing figures more than double, encouraged by this she puts a sidebar widget displaying OMN content flow that interests her. With this in place a number of prominent sites feature her blog as she is now a part of the OMN, her viewing numbers go up by a factor of 10 and keep growing as the network expands.

Ana loves her cat pixi and wants to set-up a blog with photos and life stories she could set-up a tumbler blog like everyone else, but her friend told her about the OMN so she set-up a wordpress site and adds her RSS feed to the OMN aggregater Catlovers in this her posts are added to the OMN network. To make her blog more interesting and dynamic she adds two OMN widgets to the blog sidebar the first is a photo widget that she configures with tags “black and white” “cat” “fun” so that it has an updating image from the catlovers view of the OMN and the second is the latest articles headlines from this catlovers site view.

Janice has a family history website that she updates regularly. The is a group of history web sites that have setup a OMN aggregater to push out there content to a wider audience, Janice adds her RSS feed to this aggregater and the hits on her site jump immediately each time she publishes new content. She gets help to add a sidebar section on her site with a OMN flow based on the tags “family history” and “research” with this in place she become a member of the OMN and her site becomes more visible to people. She finds her self working with a group of interesting people.

Fabo has a bus in East London converted into a restaurant, he currently has a Facebook page but this only reaches a tiny number of people (3%) who like it. He is a member of London Hackspace were he goes to a workshop on booting up the OMN. Inspired by this he decides to set-up a (OMN) aggregating site covering events and food in East London, he gets a friend to do this for him using drupal and the OMN plug-ins. After spending an evening adding RSS feeds of all the restaurants and venues he can find. The next morning he has a website linking to content that regularly updates. He features his own content on this to promote his business, his site after a bit of design work becomes a place to find out what is happening in fashionable hackney.

Jeff has a band, he used to get contacts for gigs on myspace and more recently on facebook, but this had been drying up. He has a friend who is setting up a OMN aggregater in Manchester linking to the music seen. Jeff helps them out by becoming a volunteer tag moderator of the data flows, from the inside knowledge of these rich data flows he rebuilds personal connections that help to re-spark his music.

Feedback please.

Human beings are by nature social creatures, we link

“The Ring slowly but inevitably corrupted its bearer, regardless of the bearer’s initial intent. For this reason the Wise, including Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel, refused to wield it themselves, but determined instead that it should be destroyed. The corrupting power of the ring was apparently stronger on individuals more inclined to evil and selfishness: it took almost immediate hold of the greedy Sméagol as soon as he saw it, and corrupted Boromir after a few months of near proximity, while its effects were only starting to be seen in the well-meaning Bilbo after his 60 years’ possession.”

On the #openweb the creation of blogging makes personal sites with in reach of a majority of people, the balance between community and individual began to shift. Blogging was about empowering the individual, many geek/fashernista attempts to rebalance this failed, as each tended to be an island, mirroring the individualism of the blogging network they were trying to link. Blogging declined into silo/portals with the growth of SEO and the resulting failer of linking that resulted from this.

In the openweb nothing stayed static, the first to secsede in bringing the social (community) back into this world were the first #dotcon ‘s and the most powerful grew from the worst parts of human nature:

“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

This is the shadow of the role of #failbook currently on the #openweb

How to recover from this “capturing of the commons”? One step would be to #reboot the last steps of the #openweb by fixing the balance between individualism in blogging and the community of the human condition. This is surprisingly simple to do, we need to fix the failed  geek/fashernista linking and thus #reboot blogging as a core to the #openweb. Almost everything we need to achieve this already exists, it’s a question of an affinity group kicking it into motion. Who is up for building links?

Let the web of trusted links grow (as this is ALL THE OPEN WEB is) and let the data (#4opens) flow over these links. From this trust building, community comes back into both the online and offline worlds.

And if a Dark Lord (Mr Zuckerburg) and his minions (Mr Trump) offer you a shiny ring – don’t take it.