The Mess We’ve Made: Neoliberalism.

Over the past 40 years, humanity has created a complete mess of our society and environment. #Climatechaos, the degradation of the biosphere, and growing global inequalities are not separate issues but different facets of the same problem. This problem is the #neoliberal economic system that has spread across the world through globalization, promoting high production…

The 1999 Seattle WTO protests were a strong moment in the history of globalization and global trade

The 1999 Seattle WTO protests, known as the Battle of Seattle, were a turning point in the history of globalization and global trade. The protests took place from November 30 to December 3, 1999, during the World Trade Organization’s (#WTO) Ministerial Conference, which aimed to launch a new round of trade negotiations. However, the negotiations…

Keep building a better world, one link, one line of code at a time

Once upon a time, in a world dominated by the #dotcons, closed-source technology and centralized decision-making, a small group of passionate activists and developers came together to reboot an old way of building technology. They believed that technology should serve the needs of people, not just the interests of big corporations and governments. They called…

Composting the Last 40 Years of Social Sh*t: Understanding Political Motivations and Embracing Openness and Trust

In today’s world, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by the barrage of information, opinions, and ideas flooding our #dotcons social media feeds and news outlets. From political debates to social issues, it is a challenging to navigate through the noise and understand what’s really happening. A way to cut through the clutter to gain a…

Liberal trolls – are often not WHO they think they are

DRAFT to be edited It’s hard to get a thried out of mastodon, hopeful this is in the right order and not missing bits. As usually, if you would like to be anonymous with no linking please say so, thanks. Made a blog post, if you reply your text might be added to…

Back in the day talking to traditional media

Hamish Campbell, an independent journalist, shared his experience selling footage to corporations in an interview. He explained that corporations often contact them to buy footage, but they won’t generally take the edited programs as a whole because they are too conservative. They ask for the price, the corporation often did not want to pay, Campbell’s…

History of copyleft activist grassroots video distribution

Hamish Campbell, the founder of #VisiononTV, began his journey into copyleft video through his project called #RoughCuts. In a recent interview, Campbell shared how RoughCuts started as one of the first copyleft video projects that encoded activist video in MPEG-1 format, an early standard format for video. He would burn CDs with an hour of…