#ActivityPub is an accidental reboot of the #openweb

#ActivityPub is an accidental reboot of the #openweb. It came into existence because the #dotcons (#mainstreaming platforms) attended a #wc3 meeting but did not find anything useful for themselves. As a result, they left the “weirdos” to build an approach based on the #4opens principles. The “weirdos” managed to keep things together long enough to…

NGI Zero open source funding talks about the @sovtechfund

NGI Zero open source funding The @sovtechfund is offering grants to people who contribute to a sustainable open source ecosystem. Grants go up to €300,000 per application and cover three main topics: 1. Improve FOSS Developer Tooling 2. Securing FOSS Software Production 3. FOSS Infrastructure Documentation With this program, the Sovereign Tech Fund seeks to…

A project outline for the OGB

Project description The Open Governance Body (#OGB) project is a set of software tools that encode a governance model structured on traditional grassroots activism. Further, the OGB – for which the code base is named – is a decentralized and democratic system for “governance” of any collective/community consisting of (generally speaking) #1 – Producers and…