Let us tell a fabulous story of social technology

Looking at the history of socialhub you can see the history of Monocracy, Aristocracy and Feudalism in the #geekproblem The kings left long ago or never joined, why would a “divine” touch the muddle ground. The aristocrats in their social isolation still preen their fathers and try on their inviable cloths of gold and satin,…

A conversation about money and the #openweb

A conversation with the #NGO side of social technology: A. Just booked my place for ePIC next month in Lille. It’ll be my first time on the Eurostar! https://epic.openrecognition.org A decade ago, it was the first conference I went to as Mozilla’s Badges & Skills lead. Time flies. #OpenBadges #VerifiableCredentials #ePortfolios #conference #travel Q. these…

Ask the question of what needs fixing.

Open-Source Security: How Digital Infrastructure Is Built on a House of Cards – Lawfare” https://www.lawfareblog.com/open-source-security-how-digital-infrastructure-built-house-cards Can you see the underlining problem assumptions in this #mainstreaming agenda? Pushing ideas to “protect the commons” almost always ends up distorting the commons, there is a history in nature to this. As the article says in a round about…

Talking about the mess we are in

Q. Let’s just STOP worshipping the #deathcult as a first step away from this mess. We’re living in an age of permanent crisis – let’s stop planning for a ‘return to normal’ | Economics | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/22/economic-models-environmental-crises-fantasy-stable-growth-global-heating A. I agree that there is no “return to normal”, just as history did not end with…

Change and challange to compost the piles of techshit

Anyone interested in doing a sexy site for the #4opens think people need “official” look and feel to make use of this powerful tool to fight the #techshit #techcurn and help to reboot the #openweb Basically we need this on a nicely designed page with a bit of polish on the text https://unite.openworlds.info/Open-Media-Network/4opens/wiki Then link…

ideas to work with

#stupidindividualism a full ideology with the last 40 years of #neoliberalism and a part of the liberal 20th century consensus. So it’s a strong #BLOCK Some ideas: * Every day, naming of the current “common sense” as worshipping the #deathcult is both true and useful in making #mainstreming uncomfortable. * The pushing of simple #KISS…