Some Hashtags

The #nothingnew hashtag is a simple #KISS project of rejecting the common sense neoliberalism and postmodernism of the last 40 years to reboot social change/challenge from the original modernist path to then build #somethingnew The #geekproblem hashtag is a complex view of the other hashtags. In this, we need to take the “problem” out of…

Nurturing community’s – tech is not going to do this

On the #fediverse, we need to work/think about the need to cross-link the subject instance. As, the idea of as instance as a community is lightly built into the code of mastodon. So individuals and groups need to push this into existence, then add issues to the #ygithub mastodon tracker to try and get this…

A conversation on trust and tech with #OMN projects

Remember the #fedivers is built like this, no geek in their right minds would do this, yet we use it every day All our existing code is based on #feudalism master (admin) surf (user) this is why it is defenceless vs capitalism (#dotcons) There have been attempts to build democratic code, early #wikis, think #indymedia…