Hopelessness is a deeply conservative reaction to social change/challenge. Sacasam and “meme” culture can be conservative with its strong focus on reaction, in this focus pushing reactionary/conservative rather than hope/progression. In a globalising world strong “inward” looking tribalism is often about conforming a narrow “consumerist” change/challenge to individuals with NO power for wider social outlooks.…
Invisible agenda on the #openweb
A. #NGIforum21 #NGI #EU It’s not “usability” its “control” – the #dotcons are built for control the #eurocrates need, the #openweb tools which work fine is for people to people. The #openweb tools do not have the control that the #Eurocrats need to move onto our tools and be a part of our community. This…
Influx of EU funding into the Fediverse
#Openweb – all together push through, the HARD block crumbles. Getting a good outcome is hard… feeling this influx of EU funding is going to do damage and little good to the #Fediverse health if it keeps funding as its current agenda. Though the Fediverse is drifting from its own lifestyle mess… Let’s try and…
Lets rate funding for openweb projects
Can use different ideas, am starting with left/right. If you would like to use a different agenda please open a new page and go for it. We start with the assumption that 90-100% of funding on this subject is simply pored down the drain, most of it into pointless NGO projects and #fashernista individuals “careers”…