A #4opens review of boatbuddys.co.uk


The #4opens:

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data without this open they cannot work.

* there is no way to get your data out or to access the metadata. Its copyright. No open

Open source – as in “free software” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect, but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* its closed source on the surface, not obvious what is happening under the surface. No open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_standard

* no RSS I can see, it’s a basic website I think with a forum? No open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks, so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process

* it’s a forum so kinda open process but no look at the running of the project. 1/2 open

To sum up, it’s a project that could be made more #4opens if the was a community involved. This depends on the guys running it and their tech support being willing and having time to push the project out into the “commons”.

At the moment is a dormant seed #dotcons

1/2 open out of 4 so not a #4opens project.

Please remember that just about everything around you is pushing the #deathcult

Please remember before posting liberal stuff that just about everything around you and meany things you think you value are in reality a part of the #deathcult

Neoliberalism that we live and breath is the coureas of our current mess, not Trump or Brexit, they are outcomes. So when you look at any solution is it a “common sense” neoliberal idea or something else? Please think about the #deathcult before you share propaganda on #dotcons


The great hack

This is a bad documentary telling a needed story.

Its #tredtionalmedia liberal media pushing dysfunctional people at us. The was a generation of actavists telling this obvious story. Its intresting that they are not the story. Liberal documentary makeing always has a limited view, this is a particularly bad example.

Its got a sad ending the liberals at TED pleading with the tech gods to not be evil with a knowing wink that they will be ignored. But the liberals will still build there lives in this mess. The is no alternative inside liberalism in the data era its sadly a #deathcult

A needed story, told by the chattering classes.

What duse a 4opens world look like

Throwing ideas into the air to see were they land. Lets think of ideas for what a post #4opens world looks like in the digital era.

Its a soft move away from capitalism.

* end of money as the motivating factor of exchange. With opendata exchanges can be balanced by open algorithms

* big reductions in inequality due to democratic control of common digital/physical infrastructure.

* as the growth in digital goods the will be ecological outcomes due to the end of consumption as the bases of our economy and human needs.

* more and deeper connections to communertys due to knowingly people better and ease of keeping and building open networks.

* we would have to rethink meany things that now seem to be common sense.

* the idea of privacy has already changed in the #dotcons era. We have no privacy within the corporate structures and the state. This has already happened and is core to the data drivern digital era.

* the is no real legal or technical option to close this so the only option we have is to open this magic meta data bag. This will fundamentally changes our ideas of privacy and rights.

* what would this post capitalist open society look like?

The question of who has access to data and more importantly metadata.

Lets look for a moment at a fundamental question few people are asking that already shapes society and will drive social change in the next 50 years.

The question of who has access to data and more importantly metadata.

* Open – everyone can use most of the data and all the meta data

* Closed- only you can use the data only corporations and governments can use most of the metadata.

* Hybrid- the data is open to the hosting corporation, governments and companies that pay for it. Your friends can see only what you share with them. The metadata is owned by the corporations used by governments.

The future will be dominated by this issue if computer networks keep running during the #climatechaos disaster.

Not much is radical

Putting content into #dotcons is a feed back loop which has marginal (and reducing) affect as for example all your doing is teaching the #failbook algorithms how to sell you and everyone who interacts with your content more “stuff” and in the functionality ideological mind/social control of you and yor community.

Its very easy to have a #flamewar on #failbook as it drives ad views for the #dotcons. If you are progressive you could have a sensibly conversation on the #openweb with a few million other people were human activerty/community not ad driven consumerism is the outcome https://activism.openworlds.info/public

The is a fundamental harm as i outline in other replays. Not knowing you are doing harm is no defence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_orders please step away from the #deathcult

A #KISS explanation of our current mess

The world is broken. Liberal Capitalism is trying to push back into mainstream mindspace and failing. The rightwing nutters with zero mortality are swamping them. The left is still a fraction.

The core issue is private ownership of data.

* The liberal capitalists apply “legal” DRM which is a digital fiction and dead end.

* The nutter right are corporatist walking directly to digital apartheid/political fascism.

* The left are irrelevant.

The answer is simple #4opens leading to a data commons. BUT this leads directly to a revolution of what it means to be human thus few people talk about it.

Message from a lifeboat near the end of the world #boatingeurope

What is a hashtag

I use the #deathcult tag to highlight the neo-liberal era of the last 40 years which has left us in this current mess. A cult as few of us inside can see outside “common sense” and death as #XR has made the climate chaos cliff we are facing and billions of deaths visible to the mainstream. Of course neo-liberalism is just an extream form of capitalism we had it before in the UK during the irish potato famine with its millions of deaths and displacements. When people realised the problems mainstream moved to social democracy (soft) capitalism before “forgetting” agen in the late 1970’s. Corbyn and Sanders are trying to move us back to social democracy, which is of course no sulution BUT much better than the current mess. We as radicals need to do better #OMN

My point is that sanders and Corbyn are old mainstream and the current #deathcult are the current mainstream that’s dieing now. Ie we should create real radicalism to make Corbin and Sanders the centrist they actually are if you look back for a moment to the 20th century. We could get some real change then, if we keep them as the “radicals” then the is no future #XR

Calling the current lot a #deathcult is about opening up the space for Corbin and Sanders to be centrists in our minds. No matter what we do the right will be nutters, so not aiming at them with the tags at all.

This applys to everything. So the digital economy are all #dotcons and #failbook with its ownership of whatsapp and Instagram etc. Is the digital leader of the the #deathcult with google and Apple not far behind.

Pushing the dialog is probably the most powerful nonviolent direct action you can do from a armchair or public meeting

Q. The tags my friend are meaningless distracting drivel alas. That allude to something grand. When I click on them sometimes all I see is a list of Hamish posts. They have some utility if they bind peoples posts by theme, which is how they came to be popular on twitter I guess. They are useless when forging ahead one ones own with one’s own invented idiosyncratic tags that just litter ones text with # chars and jargon.

You have great things to say and if you shared them in common English you would reach many more people with them, I assure you.

A. look at the problem I am trying to solve agen. You actually do describe it in your reply but that is as far as your understanding goes in this reply. Note if you would have added a common #hashtag your post WOULD have been added to that hashtag view and the would have been more than my voice. Now keep adding new (common) hashtag users and you get a meaningful conversation and organic spread. When you don’t do this all you have is your #failbook echo chambers. I call this problem #stupidindividualism and it is both #mainstreammedia bad and sad

Note hashtags are comparable across #silos and more importantly on the #openweb get a #hashtag conversation going then do a web search on it to reach outside the #dotcons its very basic stuff.

As an example. The is a opening to #stepaway from the #dotcons here if people desire change. That problem we face is fear and doubt and the widespread use of #FUD https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/F/FUD.html

What are hash tags

I use the #deathcult tag to highlight the neo-liberal era of the last 40 years which has left us in this current mess. A cult as few of us inside can see outside “common sense” and death as #XR has made the climate chaos cliff we are facing and billions of deaths visible to the mainstream. Of course neo-liberalism is just an extream form of capitalism we had it before in the UK during the irish potato famine with its millions of deaths and displacements. When people realised the problems mainstream moved to social democracy (soft) capitalism before “forgetting” agen in the late 1970’s. Corbyn and Sanders are trying to move us back to social democracy, which is of course no sulution BUT much better than the current mess. We as radicals need to do better #OMN

My point is that sanders and Corbyn are old mainstream and the current #deathcult are the current mainstream that’s dieing now. Ie we should create real radicalism to make Corbin and Sanders the centrist they actually are if you look back for a moment to the 20th century. We could get some real change then, if we keep them as the “radicals” then the is no future #XR

Calling the current lot a #deathcult is about opening up the space for Corbin and Sanders to be centrists in our minds. No matter what we do the right will be nutters, so not aiming at them with the tags at all.

This applys to everything. So the digital economy are all #dotcons and #failbook with its ownership of whatsapp and Instagram etc. Is the digital leader of the the #deathcult with google and Apple not far behind.

Pushing the dialog is probably the most powerful nonviolent direct action you can do from a armchair or public meeting

Boatingeurope – we made a trial run to the Black Sea today

UPDATE wre are heading up river to Tulcea

We made a trial run to the Black Sea today, and we ended up turning back inland as the side waves were bashing us too much making the crossing too uncomfortable, slow and on the verge of being a little bit dangerous.

We are still going to try again the sea bit we are starting to look at other options to get back to central Europe and still do the circumnavigation but the other way around.

The problem we face is the prevailing wind and waves are almost always onto the land on this part of the Blacksea. Firstly as we are skirting the coast they will be hitting us on the side of the boat. We have no keel and not anufe ballast so she rolls very much in this condition. secondly our speed was reduced from 8kmh to 5.4km an hour, maybe locul currents as the wind was not that strong, the bottom of the boat recently had a scrub.

We are also in a pickal with checking in and out of the EU. We can only do this in 3 places. Sulina, Tulcea in Romania and Izmail in Ukraine. And our boat is not fast anufe to go up river on the main roots so are scanning all the backwaters to see if we can find a root in and out.

Options below:

Option 1: by sea to Odessa. Will be long, bumpy and unconfortable.

Option 2: put ‘Milda’ on a cargo boat from either Tulcea, Galati or Constanta to the end of the Danube. We may have issues to get to to both Galati and Constanta and may need a tow as the river is too fast at the moment.

Option 3: put ‘Milda’ on a truck from either Tulcea or Galati. We can get to Tulcea through the Delta, but to Galati we would need a tow.

Option 4: move from Sfantu Gheorghe to Sulina inland through the Delta (check-out from a Romania here in Sulina) and then again inland to Izmail in Ukraine where we would check-in in Ukraine allowing us to stop on the way along the coast between Vylkovo and Odessa as @inoart proposes on the map

What you guys think?

Boating Europe: He, she and a lifeboat

What is the best way to get away from the country (and why not, everyday life)? Buy a lifeboat from an oil rig, change it’s interior and set sail. Climate change no longer scares them (so much).

Luís Octávio Costa
June 15, 2019, 12:12


Circumnavigation is a sea voyage around a place, which can be an island, a continent or the whole Earth. What Wikipedia and other compendiums do not tell us is that it is possible to circumnavigate Europe – or a good part of it – by river. Five hundred years after Fernão Magalhães (circumnavigated the globe from 1519 to 1522), this new adventure is halfway through. A Portuguese woman, an English man and a lifeboat.

Hamish Campbell, 55, had been writing reports on climate change and other environmental issues for 20 years. “It’s a disaster and we’re not doing anything to change,” he says in a video conference with Fugas after docking his Fassmer CLR-C (7.2mx 2.89m; 3200Kg) alongside a “rusty barge” in Galati, Romania . He met his traveling companion in a bar three and a half years ago. “Ana was looking for an adventurer and I invited her to meet my boat,” he smiles. Ana Reis, 44, is an architect from Porto. She has been working for a dozen years in London offices (with a two year interregnum at an NGO in Cape Verde)

Their boat was bought seven years ago “more or less as a joke, more or less in desperation,” says Hamish, who wanted to live on a boat and did not want to live in London. “I thought ‘what’s the best way to get away from London? I could have bought a narrow boat that would allow me to sail on English canals, but I could not escape the country. Instead, I searched and found a lifeboat from an oil rig in Scotland. And I started to change it so I could live in it. It was a boat designed for 61 people. It came with 61 seats and 61 lifejackets. “

Now the vessel has a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a woodburner in the middle, solar panels and a windmill for electricity in the winter – and many, many tools. And on the roof a garden perfect for two vegetarians who stop more or less every other day to buy fresh vegetables, milk, bread and some croissants. The lifeboat, that looks like a machine out of the science fiction series Thunderbirds, was standing still. It never came to be used for its original function. “When the platform exploded,” his commander fictionalizes, “the lifeboat, with 61 people and oxygen reserves, would cross the blazing sea for twenty minutes. He could be submerged and return to the surface. It is designed to survive everything. You can survive the end of the world for a couple of hours. It’s an unsinkable boat. “

Before buying the boat, Hamish saw in a map that the planned circumnavigation was possible. “We want to prove it,” Ana says. They left London (from the Limehouse marina) to the small seaside town of Ramsgate. We followed the crossing to Calais via the English Channel (which normally takes 30 minutes on a ferry). It took us eight hours. “It’s a slow, safe and reliable boat,” says Hamish, who got seasick – Ana drove.

The first part of the journey, from London to the Black Sea, is completed. Calais, Paris, Montceau-les-Mines and Strasbourg (France), Frankfurt (Germany), Linz and Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), Novi Sad and Belgrade (Serbia), Constanţa (Romania). It took them three years to reach halfway – 501 locks (the deepest of 30 meters), six tunnels (one of them six kilometers in an hour), eight rivers, 18 channels and nine highest point at 406 meters of altitude). There were 5 thousand kilometers in 15 months distributed over three years. They took this time because they hibernate. When winter comes, they return to London (to work, which is like someone who says to return to “real life”), and the boat is in a dry dock waiting for the crew ( happened in France, Austria and Romania) “We go back, we work and we earn some money, it’s all about finding a balance.” On return there are always small problems to solve, “they say, sitting in front of a webcam in the last EU country, already very close to the Black Sea ( they will now descend the Danube to Sulina).

It will take “at least” another two years to get back to the starting point. They follow along the coast to Odessa and from there Europe. Kiev (Ukraine), Brest (Belarus), Warsaw (Poland), Berlin and Hannover (Germany), Holland, Belgium and France. “It’s incredible,” Ana sums up. “Everyone waves and smiles along the way.” When they do not have to stop, they try to anchor. And live the river. “We search for a place far from the stream or a tributary, we launch the anchor and sit surrounded by beautiful nature, forests and trees, many birds. No Internet [Fugas had tried the interview a few days before, but nature won]. Beautiful. When there is little current and a good day of sun one can swim. The water is clear many times. But Ana is not swiming because the fish are very big and she is afraid. We’re in the middle of nowhere, “sighs Hamish.

To the traditional question “why are you doing this?” He often says, “why are you going to the office every day?” “When we wake up in the morning we do not know where we’ll be at the end of the day,” Ana explains. “Go with the flow.” In the most literal sense of the expression. She says, “Find your balance.” He: “Live your life!”

In Serbia, Hamish established contact through binoculars with one person. They waved and ended up staying for a month. “We meet a lot of nice people along the way,” says Hamish, who coordinates online projects and teaches storytelling with the smartphone. Registering everything along the way for a future documentary. “We can search for information about rivers and canals on the Internet, but the only reliable information available is the word of mouth. The information does not exist. “Day-to-day life also depends on the” generosity of strangers “(like the friend of the friend who is an engineer and only a few moments ago came around and said that the engine is good). “In the world of boats we have to be friendly with everyone. We have to help everyone because we need help often. This is a very generous open community. It’s a bit like the world should be, “points out Hamish, who used to hitchake around the world.

In the first half of the epic adventure, they found “some German adventurers” and “couples of retired Englishmen” (“everyone voted for Brexit, everyone travels abroad “) who also travel by boat through the rivers. “I was the second to have such a boat in London,” recalls Hamish. “There’s about 20 now.” a dignt of changing times, maybe. Within a few years, predicts the captain of the lifeboat, there will be many more. “Move to a hill or a mountain or live in a boat. Either one or the other. “There will be no return.

Boating Europe



