A. The EU institutions have neoliberalism as a concrete foundation. Quite simply this is a DEAD ideology that threatens to kill us all… it will be hard to build a different ideology ecosystem on top of this rotting concrete. BUT its the concrete we have and the weather is changeing. Deep breath, disaster in, bigger…
If you want a good progressive media you need to challenge the powerpolatics that our current individual groups are based on
Power Politics, if you are interested in a progressive alt-media, this cannot continue as a core social solutions to the majority of problems. We need a genuine consensus based approach, which cannot happen if powerpolatics is an unspoken option in social movements. We have an existing social movement to build alt media and an easey…
A question for fashionistas is drinking piss healthy?
A. Start a outreach stepaway from the #dotcons project and watch the old crap crubbale when you glance back. Be a part of a soughted #fashernistas movement to create social change #OMN Q. You have been saying this over and over for the last few years and railing against the mysterious #fashernistas. And what plan…
A conversation about nuclear power as band aid for climate change
Q. Find it hard to understand people who support new nuclear power as a climate solution. Yes technically it could be but politically its just divide and destroy of progress movements as its not going to happen simple. Look at the history of dishonest/ridiculously over cost agenders, simple its poison, please support something people can…