A look at how technology shapes progressive/radical media-looking forward-looking back

3 events at newspeak house this winter:Session 1) Looking back – how technology shaped the production and distribution of radical/progressive media like #Undercurrents, #Indymedia etc. Session 2) The current day – failure of radical media technology. The rise of the #dotcons and the new alt-media projects. Session 3) Looking forward – The #activetypub meetup. This…

Helping the stepaway from the #dotcons

https://campaign.openworlds.info https://activism.openworlds.info https://visionon.tv https://openworlds.info http://omn.openworlds.info I have 5 working/funded/stable #openweb projects to push this winter to wider ordences. Covering News, Social Media, Video and Search. Be the change you wont to see #stepaway from the #dotcons back to the openweb. #4opens are key for projects to work dont drink to deeply from the #encryptionist stream…