A first step to reboot alt grassroots media

Published Date 3/4/17 6:32 PM A first step to reboot alt/grassroots media land an update on were we are on the OMN (open media network) linking project. * The is a node/site up http://omn.openworlds.info:8080/ * This currently has 10 embeds https://github.com/tomspost/OMN/wiki on sites as a soft roll out * we are aiming to expand this…

History of the visionOntv project

The original project was offlinetv and was a online network to setup screenings to bring people together and cross fertilize different radical campaigning groups. I was pushing it as “open” rebooting of the failing undercurrents video activism project. Before this I had been making a meager living doing screenings by fundraising vie the copyleft ruffcuts…

Power polatics and the race gender card

Published Date 1/31/17 12:50 PM Deal with issues, allowing them to be pushed under the carpet has a cost. The are real issues round gender/race politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics Then the is a the sad and bad playing of the race/gender “card” that is sometimes used when real issues become stressful. This happen to me a year…