
Some thoughts on the OMN idea

Published Date 10/14/16 2:15 PM

You would have to be very out of touch not to see that echo chambers are inherent to #failbook and historically less on #twitter though they have changed over to a algorithmic time line you have to opt out of. The OMN is only moderated by humans. It has a built in “market” that rewards trust thus actively builds out human networks. Groups that link will grow, thoughs who do not will slide back as others move forward.

Arrogance & Ignorance and how to get past this blocking is the issue. You don’t overcome A&I that’s not an option. But getting round it is well possible. The OMN is built on the human condition of trust and serendipity. Both hard human sells, but both the only values we have if your not up for shooting people dead to get your way.

Echo chamber is just a #fashernesta word for feeding prejudice in this it’s the same as buying a tabloid in the old days or listing to R4 and only shouting at the radio when you disagree. The OMN opens – echo chamber closes. Of course we understand that “open” is not a solution, but it is better than closed…

Its easy to misses the point about “open data” you don’t have any control of the machine network that the #dotcon work with. And if you understand the issues with geeks you will likely never have power over complex digital tools. The way out of this is in the this “forces” the geeks lose of the power they desire and need to be motivated. In this you have a riddle which is not solved by logic – maybe solved by emotion? The OMN cannot be built with logic, It might be able to be built by emotion. I think this is likely the root of many missing understandings? You can’t stop the geeks/fashernista desire to fuckup but the is hope of mediating it with the #4opens that’s about it.

The are issue’s with algorithmic options in general “who guards the guardians” the #4opens are a safety feature that the #dotcon will remove. You would have to be very deluded to believe that #failbook works in a society sense no matter what individuals say, you should know this.

The Q. Is how to get a KISS project past alt apathy, geek complexity and fashernista… well just fashernista… #fashernesta = “stupid individualism” if your reading my older posts.

Part 2

Am more a #fuckup rather than #conspiracy type of guy but the lack of linking is a clear issue to be addressed.

The data, it’s a soup, the sites are just spoons that dip. You get to choose by linking were the value is. Every one can have a spoon if they like (but talent will out, some spoons will have more value than others) so it’s #4opens to linking and content. A silo is a single site like #failbook and the sites listed in this post. On the web the value is in linking content is just something to link to.

Silos host/horde content, if they don’t link they have limited value.


Draw a line in the sand

Published Date 10/11/16 4:44 PM

None of the current alt/grassroots media projects link to each other. Message them and ask why and refuse to support them till they do #thecanary #Reelnews #RealMedia #Novaramedia is basic KISS of lefty/radical/progressive thinking.

What’s the solution?

The minimum outcome a prominent small sidebar box front screen linking to other alt/grassroots project on each active project. it’s a KISS no brainer and a line in the sand for lefty/radical/grassroots.

This can be done manually or as part of a bigger network project such as OMN


Looking at the tech and organising of UK alt grassroots media

How meany sites link to anuther alt/grassroots media sits. from this list of 38 UK sites only 2 link to anuther site.

Many people find it hard to understand the underlining understandings that push projects based on flow and linking such as OMN and openweb. Here is a short list of activish projects.


Is a place for holding/hoarding closed data – this is used by the #dotcons to extract funding form “free users” when mainstream/alt silo projects finish, as 99.9% do, the data varnishes and is lost, and in this the effectiveness of any alt building is diminished. Silos do not use open licensing for content re-use. Just about every alt/grassroots media project is a silo. It’s about capturing data. Its obvious that this is a unthought through issue of “churning”


Is an idea that you can be the big one, all the small fashionista websites aspire to be the big one and by doing this they are working to the logic of the #dotcon and working against the logic of the openweb. They are building a project to lock there users into their project. Portal and silo are overlapping (but different) ideas for building web projects. In the mainstream, Apple is a prime example of this working. In the alt/grassroots almost all alt/grassroots media projects are portals. It’s about capturing users, just as silos are about capturing data. For a left wing group this looks much like “recreating the Soviet Union” the one party to rule the state.


Are for-profit data silos in the old days working as portals, more recently they are building out siloed networks as a pseudo networked portal. Its both sad and bad that many alt media projects unthinkingly aspire to be #dotcons


Is where ALL the value is on the open web. Without links content has NO VALUE. This is a obvious statement, its hard to understand the the lack of understanding around this simple thing.


Is a grassroots web standard that is still at the base of many of the dotcon world but is being pushed into the background of the openweb by building silos/portals in the grassroots/alt. RSS is like an open LINK with added data,  thus adds value to the web. Its a powerful open tool that we still have. An API is like a geek control freak super power of RSS – the problem is in the complexity/control freak bit…


A subculture that is control/obscurity and more recently technical solutions to trust (wraparound right) this has always been a closing force on open projects.  This helped to strangle the original successful alt/grassroots media projects and is pushing for the shrinking of the open web.


The unthinking desire for new/innovation/conformity. A wider subculture that churns the growth of alt/grassroots so little can grow beyond seedlings.


Are greedy dispoling of resources both human and money. The liberals that use bureaucratic funding to push out the geek/fashernista agendas over alt/grassroots projects. These are uneasy friends and clear (invisible) enemys.


Is both a technical thing of wires and frequency and  an understanding of mutual aid and of “diversity of strategy”. It’s native to the openweb and should be at the base of any alt/grassroots media project. In the closed #dotcon the widespread use of A/B testing is a pail controlled shadow of this.


wikipedia is an example of this. It’s basic stuff open source project stuff. LINK


Looking at the tech and organising of UK alt/grassroots media. Do sites link to other alt-media projects? Do they support/display openweb standards (RSS)

First DRAFT (please message me with corrections/info)

the canary

Has a RSS feed, regular updates, copyright group silo, it has no outside linking


UPDATE: site back online, no visible RSS but can find a hidden one. Its likely copyright and a silo.

(Their website is hacked/down so posted the #failbook link used to have RSS and regular updates. Anyone know what’s happening? Update they hope the site is back online soon.)

Real Media

UPDATE: website back online copyright, no visible RSS feed but you can find ones. Its a a bit of an aggregater but has been suffering from poor spam control. Its pretty much a portal/silo – but could be more.

(They used to have an interesting website for the tec used, but it ended up being just a silo, they look like they are rebooting? Maybe a another silo? we shall see.)

Update they are rebooting as a linking site, lets hope its not a silo.


Has regular good content, RSS, they are a product of the #dotcon social media wave and good at it. Copyright/CC is not stated. The site is a silo with no outside linking


No RSS feed, starting to look a bit “old left” regular updates, no copyright/CC notice. A silo with no external links

The Bristol Cable – Bristol

No visible RSS feed, it kinda probably tries to obey the 4 opens maybe. It’s a WP blog site in this it’s a media silo with no external links.

Port Talbot Magnet

no visible RSS feed, it mostly fails the 4 opens due to copyright, data and organising. It’s a WP blog site, in this it’s a media silo with few if any external links.


New Internationalist – based in Oxford

Has RSS feeds, it kinda passes the 4 opens using a CC licence for its content.  It links to the visionOntv project.


The Ferret – Scotland, based in Edinburgh

Looks like the old media transitioning to the new media. No visible RSS feed or copyright/CC notice. Is trying to be “open process” looks like a WP site.


Strike! – based in London

looks like a archive of a print mag? Has a RSS feed 🙂


Positive News – based in London

Dated looking site, hard to read, no RSS feed and a copyright notice. A silo.

Slaney Street – Birmingham

Did not load

Manchester Mule – Manchester

 Has RSS feed but last article end of 2015 so not an active site. Probably for fills the 4 opens.

Co-operative News – based in Manchester

Nasty looking site and no RSS, copyrighted, its a silo

Ethical Consumer

No RSS, copyrightish, old looking site.

Marlborough News Online

no RSS, copyright

West Highland Free Press

no RSS, copyright, its a silo.

Star and Cresent – based in Portsmouth

No RSS, no copyright notice? Its a silo.


Morning Star – based in London

Has a RSS feed but its empty, copyright, silo.


Cambria Publishing Co-operative

publishes paper books?

Zed Books – London

paper books and online reading lists, no RSS I can see.

Sheffield Live!

copyright, has a RSS feed, looks bureaucratic open.

Blake House – based in London

no RSS, fashionable calling card website with out content, probably copyright?

Media Co-op

Calling card website with out content, no RSS, likely copyright.

Ignite Creative – based in Oxford

Calling card website with out content, no RSS, copyright.

Shedlight Productions – based in Southampton

calling card website with out content, no RSS, copyright.

Steel City Film and Media Co-op – based in Sheffield

its a #failbook page, maybe open?

Trafford Media & Communications – based in Manchester

(mostly a printer, but also do film production)

 calling card, no site.


The Community Channel

Community Channel

The granddaddy of NGO media, no RSS feed, likely copyright silo.

Jammu Kashmir TV

it has content, silo?

Open Audio

Has a working RSS feed

Inform My Opinion

Has working RSS feed but it fails in my pod catcher, its a page on a #dotcon?


has RSS feed, copyright, silo?

AMP Worcs

calling card.

A Television

Half finished calling card site.


Hastings independent press

No RSS, no copyright/CC notice, a silo with no external links.

Copyright, no RSS feed, has some old school widgets which might show external links. Its a local news silo.


Has RSS feed and CC licence, no external links on front page, its a silo but better than most.


Has a RSS feed, its a silo but the is hope for it.


its a blog in the old school sense, has RSS


its a silo with no RSS and no external links


A lot of the original links came from