A view and strategy for sustaining the boater lifestyle and community

Food for thought (DRAFT) A view and strategy for sustaining the boater lifestyle and community. NVDA (direct action) with a good PR team works – Sorted office occupations in conjunction with a competent media team, could knock CRT onto the defensive in a week and refocus their agenda within a month. However this is a…

News Ideas for ethical aggregation of content

Published Date 3/29/15 11:10 PM The way forward for aggregation is to break away from the current failed strategies, and to make it “ethical”. This will need the technology that Dave Winer is pushing, amongst others: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown We need a clear separation of display formatting and content. In other words, content is published and formatted…

The open web and the power of lobbyists

Published Date 2/27/15 1:37 AM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_neutrality is being regulated. Net neutrality is a good thing the open web works because of it. But legislating around net neutrality is dangerous as it opens up the actuality existing open web to the power of lobbyists. Historically the web has been shaped by undefined “traditions” built on open…

Lets look for a moment at sanity in grassroots terms

Published Date 2/23/15 3:24 PM The are a lot of “insane” people in activism and counter-culture, its what makes it exciting, dynamic and affective. However with everything its a question of balance, lets look at how a movement stagnates, fails or growes and blossems. A short off the top of head list NGO’ists push limited…

Grassroots media Building affinity

Published Date 2/18/15 11:39 PM DRAFT In the last few posts I have looked at a failed organising strategy realmedia gathering, outlined a positive way out of this failer, the focused unconfrunce. But for wider understanding I think the content so far is lacking some background, lets look at an old post http://hamishcampbell.com/en/home/-/blogs/the-21st-centery here I…