To livestream an event

Published Date 12/29/15 3:24 PM

To livestream the event we have these options:

A lot of our equipment is broken or missing.

Mobile phone samsung note with line in from sound deck. Might have to use with the mini mixer with 12v battery for sound to work. Would need long USB cable (or big USB battery) for phone and tripod and holder. Stream this to any basic live streaming account. Could use the oneplus one but think the sound adapter will not work.

Acer Silver laptop running wirecast with USB HD webcam on Tripod, stream this to youtube. Can have a second camera in vire mobile (oneplusone) IP camera but issues with audio sync on IP camera. Phone holder + big USB battery

Black thinkpad T410 laptop, FireWire to DV camera Tripod sound into camera (we don’t have a working DV camera), with USB webcam as second camera + ip mobile if needed.

The best setup would be medium power gaming laptop with 2-3 usb HD cameras with remote control and zoom. Run wirecast and stream to youtube. would be useful to have a mobile hub to help the internet and ip camera to work. Budget for this is 2-3K


Have a 3 camera setup working, one HD USB webcam and a USB to oneplusone phone and will try a wifi IP conection to a samsuneg note for the full setup. Now youtube streaming is not quite working yet, next step.


The audio feed from the venue failed and they could not fix it so this is from the mic on top of a webcam.

Is ideology back we have missed you

Published Date 12/17/15 11:35 PM

The ideology of Isis has too legs

The first leg is in Saudi Arabia – Wahhabi’s its deeply intolerant and imperialistic with petro dollars behind it.

The second leg is western arrogant imperialism hiding behind the tatty mask of liberalism.

If we need to bomb anyone maybe it should be the home county and the posh bits of Washington. If we need sanctions they should be on our alies the Saudi’s.

Its basic stuff. The question for me is our ideology and were are its legs.

One step on OMN

Published Date 12/5/15 6:47 PM

Looking at what we have to base open media on – my initial reaction is one of anger that what we have is so crap and ill-suited but you can only work with the tools you have.

Looking to set-up a seed network using existing CMS’s. WP, Druple and Davie Winers CMS

We are using RSS02 for something its not directly made for, we are using it for a database object exchange format. To do this we need to understand how it is “extended”

So you can get custom feeds out of WP

We have an issue with terminology category/tag

OK we have two WP test sites set-up, we need to get them subscribed to different feeds with tags/category working – the get custom tag/category RSS feed to cross post between them.

When this is working we have the basics for WP

Looking at Drupal next

My first reaction is AHHHAAAHHH… keep digging…

This in theory should provide RSS in functionality we need

And there seems to be built in RSS feeds for each “category”, so in theory we have a working set-up.

Will try this tomorrow.

First stage of testing open CMS’s for the OMN project

Setup 3-4 sites each with

* RSS in and out via tag

* We need to make sure the RSS can be full text and that it can transport the tags

* We need to be able to display the RSS as short article with a link to the original source

* We need to clearly show the sources for items and turn off comments

* We then need to see how the “de-duping” handles content clericals (?) and content updates etc


Got to a stage were I was hitting scripting complexity dead ends on both CMSs, and took a week off to digest.

Both can do the OMN but both have flaws for the core project. They don’t understand open flowing data, they both work within their own paradigms –  that is, they are silos not networks.

To modify this would likely need some programming rather than scripting. Anyone have a second opinion on this?

Not sure the best way to move on from this.