The last newsreel from undercurrents

Published Date 9/18/14 8:39 PM [embedded content] The last Newsreal produced by ‘An antidote to everything that’s wrong with mainstream television news’George Monbiot ‘ sizzling with cheeky radicalismIt’s radical, it’s not for profit, and it’s damned good’New Internationalist Undercurrents News Network A compilation of cutting edge animations, documentaries, comedy, subverts and music videos from…

The boaters with out moorings fight for survival

Published Date 8/12/14 12:47 AM This vibrant and healthy subculture is under considerable threat from gentrification being pushed by the neon-liberal agenda. Boaters with out moorings are largely liberation, which means they are a pushover for sustained bureaucracy, they will fight as individuals and drop away one by one sulking like children or retreating to…

Greenham – the making of a monument

The documentary features interviews with the women who started Greenham, and with politicians, critics and other participants in the camp. Educative and inspirational, it examines the rationale behind, and the power of the movement, together with the creation of the sculpture as a tribute and a reminder. She came from the Welsh valleys in response…

Summer 2014

Published Date 5/14/14 3:27 PM Am planing to do workshops on “journalism with the tool in your pocket” and “solar power for everyone” over the summer at protest camps, festivals and conferences. Am working with a number of other people to do this. But… the is generally a but…  For the Solar workshops I have…