We are rolling out some sites and applications that work within the OMN

Published Date 4/30/13 5:49 PM The OMN is owned by nobody and run by nobody. It is merely a set of Stupidly Simple open standards, open databases and working practices. We are building some hubs to flesh the network out. What is there at the moment.? Let’s highlight some of the projects: http://fund.openworlds.info Open funding…

The activist problem of failbook

Published Date 4/27/13 9:32 PM Almost all of Activism is organized on one corporate network and its run by this man “Mark Zuckerberg’s new political group, which bills itself as a bipartisan entity dedicated to passing immigration reform, has spent considerable resources on ads advocating a host of anti-environmental causes — including driling in the…

How we create a better just world with the people that are currently in the world rather than some theoretical people or class

Published Date 4/18/13 1:32 PM Some NOTES It seems to me that after living through two explosions of protest DIY creativity, the CJB/anti roads movement and the climate camp are the examples am thinking about here. The are some lessons to learn. Both of these movements were “affinity group” driven at their core, that is a…

The Activists FUCKED UP USE of corporate social media

Published Date 4/17/13 4:56 PM It consistently amazed me how activists walked into the trap of corporate social networking. I can understand NGO groups narrowness of focus, its were the funding is. I can understand traditional media’s embracing of Facebook, Twitter and the closed ecosystem of app stores as its a perceived as a “safe”…

Who do we trust

Published Date 4/17/13 12:46 PM Those we see as trustworthy are Liars, cheats and swindlers. The bankers and bureaucrats at the moment. I think we have always had this backwards view of the world, is it a failure of the education system or a failure of our collective imagination – the needing to belong. The…