Workshop on Solar Vagabonds at London Hackspace

Published Date 2/15/12 12:57 PM The solar vagabond. Move your office to a beach or mountain-top far away from the power lines and keep connected. I have been testing and working with solar tech for years and will do a presentation of new and old toys.  With advice on which gear to buy/not buy for your laptop/mobile. Feel free…

If violence is the answer to getting traditional media were is the alternative

A river that needs crossing political and tech blogs – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over- complexity My videos are on these two youtube channels visionontv 3,832,876 views and undercurrents 22,689,976 views

I am visiting my parents who are of the newspaper reading age

Published Date 2/4/12 5:03 PM I am visiting my parents who are of the newspaper reading age, it’s an interesting revelation/reminder to me of something I have known for a long time. That the people in newspapers are trailing edge, their thoughts and opinions are a week old, their news stale even before it is…

Thoughts on project Definition

Published Date 2/4/12 4:49 PM We are a contemporary media project, not a traditional media project that works with “the people formerly known as the audience“. But the people formerly known as the audience are now the crap producers, could they become better producers? Throwing the net wide – getting a happy community rather than great films? Your film has no value…

My mum made many banner during the 1980 s

Published Date 2/4/12 3:34 PM [embedded content] Poll Tax Riots – why I made the banner This banner was made in 1990’s in reaction to Margaret Thatcher introducing the Community Charge. [embedded content] Trade unions at GCHQ – banner The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is a British intelligence agency responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT)…