Using a good mobile phone with an external mic to shoot live video reports

Published Date 10/16/11 5:31 PM Here are two short video pieces I did at the recent Occupylsx. Feel they work quite well, two crew, one on camera, one on mic and interview, then basic camera moves and VO/interview. [embedded content][embedded content]Shot and uploaded in an hour or so, I did a few more interviews but…

Power politics In activist organizing prioritizes self interest over outcomes

Published Date 10/1/11 11:50 AM The is a lot of self destructive behavior in left/progressive organising, an old example the Monty Python sketch[embedded content] Am looking at concepts that describe this. Power politics is a state of international relations in which sovereigns protect their own interests by threatening one another with military, economic, or political aggression.  Power politics is essentially a way of understanding the…

Trust and control and the role of gatekeepers in blocking

Published Date 9/30/11 10:43 AM Everyone understands the role of “gatekeepers” in traditional media. I want to look at how there are very similar issues with radical and progressive media. Most blocking and authoritarianism in activist organising is not conscious, rather its roots lie in psychological traits rather than ideological thinking. Everyone might be a…

Trust and control are real life issues in mainstream and radical media DRAFT

A river that needs crossing political and tech blogs – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over- complexity My videos are on these two youtube channels visionontv 3,832,876 views and undercurrents 22,689,976 views

The Proposal an interactive website which genuinely builds radical media

Published Date 9/28/11 9:28 AM Hi Everyone I’m writing to reflect a bit on the process we currently have for making a website appropriate for the RMC, an interactive website which genuinely builds radical media. This proposal also reflects, to be honest, my great anxiety about it. My position comes from the fact I really…

Control freak s DRAFT

Published Date 9/21/11 5:23 AM (Psychology) an obsessive need to be in control of what is happening This has been an issue with many groups and individuals I have been involved with in activist organising. It was key to the decline of the project and the ossification the climate camp process and static…