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Algorithms of War: The Use of AI in Armed Conflict

Joel H. Rosenthal (Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs), Janina Dill (University of Oxford), Professor Ciaran Martin (Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford), Tom Simpson (Blavatnik School of Government), Brianna Rosen (Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford) Algorithms of war Arriving early, the panel and audience are ugly broken people, priests and worshippers of […]

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A script #makinghistory

[Opening Shot: A montage of radical historical photographs, documents, and footage representing social movements and political activism throughout history.] Narrator: In a world where history is written by the victors, a new #openweb project emerges, aiming to democratize the process of archiving and storytelling. This is the story of #makeinghistory, a groundbreaking initiative within the […]

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Some aspects of the geekproblem

The #geekproblem refers to the challenges and limitations that arise from the dominance of a particular “problem” geek culture within the technology industry and #FOSS. This culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on technical expertise, at the expense of social, ethical, and democratic considerations. The geek culture prioritize technical solutions and innovations over social […]

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Branding, addressing this issue

The issue of branding in the #openweb and #fediverse is multifaceted and touches on both technical and social aspects. A list of why addressing this issue is crucial: To address these challenges, it’s important to shift the focus from strong project branding to instance branding to empower communities to make their own #openweb spaces for […]

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The mess we have made in tech

The last 40 years of technological development and its impact on society, coupled with the growing urgency of addressing #climatechange, highlight the need to fundamentally change the way we approach technology. Here are some key points: In summary, the challenges posed by #climatechaos necessitate a radical reimagining of technology and its role in society. By […]

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Navigating the Dynamics of Alt-Projects: A Practical Exploration

The landscape of alternative projects, or alt-projects, is a dynamic and ever-evolving space where people with diverse motivations and backgrounds converge to pursue shared goals. Over the course of more than a 20 years of direct involvement in meany alt-groups, I’ve observed recurring patterns and dynamics that shape the trajectory of these projects. In this […]

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A positive view of Postmodernism in tech

In the mess of the last 40 years, this is a positive from the negative. In the context of projects of the #OMN (Open Media Network), #OGB (Open Governance Body), #indymediaback, and #makinghistory, postmodernism/modernism influences the approach to media, governance, and historical narratives in several key ways: Overall, postmodernism shapes the philosophy and approach of […]

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We can work towards a future

The discussion surrounding the classification of different versions of the web, such as #Web01, #Web02, #Web03, #Web04, or #Web05, is not merely an academic exercise but an aspect of understanding the evolving nature of the digital landscape. However, the proliferation of these hashtags can lead to confusion and contribute to the spread of fear, uncertainty, […]


Composting the mess with the #OMN

The proliferation of technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, as we dive deeper into the digital age, we are increasingly confronted with the alarming consequences of our reliance on these technologies. The links shed light on the issue of “digital” waste and its detrimental impact on the environment. Gerry McGovern’s […]


The problem of fashionistas in activism

#fashionistas” typically describes individuals or groups who adopt trends or ideologies in activism, for the sake of appearance or to align themselves with what is currently popular or socially acceptable. In the realm of activism, this phenomenon often manifests in the behaviour of NGOs and advocacy organizations who prioritize “chasing the buzzword” over meaningful action. […]