Why we need the #OGB

The #OGB (Open Governance Body) represents a radically different approach to power and governance compared to the traditional top-down models we see in the #mainstreaming.

Grassroots empowerment, the OGB is built on the idea of sharing power. It aligns with the ethos of 20th-century social movements that emphasized collective action and mutual aid. In this, it is a seed for change, which can grow into a robust model for grassroots governance. A pathway for movements and communities to reclaim agency and create sustainable alternatives to the normal centralized power paths. This project matters because it is a response to #mainstreaming co-opten of radical ideas,than watering down paths to fit the status quo. Were the focus is empowering of local action, it bridges the gap between global movements and local actions, ensuring that decisions are made by those most affected by them.

The first challenge is affinity group building for the tech, after this we face more challenges and opportunities:

  • Scaling the seed: How can the OGB grow while maintaining its grassroots integrity?
  • Bridging divides: How can it bring together diverse communities and interests without falling into the traps of personality politics and fragmentation?
  • Overcoming #deathcult influence: How does the #OGB challenge and outlast the entrenched neoliberalism (#deathcult) that dominates today’s socio-political landscape?

As a seed, it needs nurturing, collaboration, and commitment from those willing to embrace discomfort and change. The path is simple, people need to growing this seed within their own contexts. What steps can we take to make this more widely understood, to become the real alternative we need?

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