To livestream an event

Published Date 12/29/15 3:24 PM

To livestream the event we have these options:

A lot of our equipment is broken or missing.

Mobile phone samsung note with line in from sound deck. Might have to use with the mini mixer with 12v battery for sound to work. Would need long USB cable (or big USB battery) for phone and tripod and holder. Stream this to any basic live streaming account. Could use the oneplus one but think the sound adapter will not work.

Acer Silver laptop running wirecast with USB HD webcam on Tripod, stream this to youtube. Can have a second camera in vire mobile (oneplusone) IP camera but issues with audio sync on IP camera. Phone holder + big USB battery

Black thinkpad T410 laptop, FireWire to DV camera Tripod sound into camera (we don’t have a working DV camera), with USB webcam as second camera + ip mobile if needed.

The best setup would be medium power gaming laptop with 2-3 usb HD cameras with remote control and zoom. Run wirecast and stream to youtube. would be useful to have a mobile hub to help the internet and ip camera to work. Budget for this is 2-3K


Have a 3 camera setup working, one HD USB webcam and a USB to oneplusone phone and will try a wifi IP conection to a samsuneg note for the full setup. Now youtube streaming is not quite working yet, next step.


The audio feed from the venue failed and they could not fix it so this is from the mic on top of a webcam.

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