The ideological swing

Published Date 7/27/17 7:30 PM

In the 19th century we had a fight between the conservatives vs fundamentalist liberalism fighting/feeding inhuman industrial growth which lead to a human backlash in the 20th century of social democracy – that is a mediated democracy to push humane growth (progressive liberalism). The late 20th century #neoliberal (fundamentalist liberals) pushed us back into a 19th century world view, which has brought with it the balancing ideas of conservatism of trump and Brixit.

The idea is to do it different. Socialism and ecological spring to mind. If we can bring the progressive liberals back, it can open the space for these other world views. If conservatism takes over then we have the revaluation of “communism” as a balance as Neo-liberalism is an inhuman dead-end that we should not be repeating.

The conservatives (trump) and the radicals are both pissing on liberals for good resions. Though it might turn out that a renewed progressive liberalism (Corbin etc.) might be the best path. Pee in moderation can be a good fertiliser 🙂

For a view of neoliberal dealing with a political created ecological disaster this podcast is a good direct reminder

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