The verticals are unthinking in their hierarchies, which turns the “value” of horizontals into a negative thing. Meanwhile, the horizontals despise the “power” plays of the verticals and take every measure to block their outcomes.
The world, however, is one of balance. Both perspectives have roles and shifting values depending on the problems we collectively need to address.
For those pushing #BLOCKING — a few sips to quench your thirst:
The conversations sparked by these flows are what truly matter. Grassroots structures grow from this collective perspective, feeding into shared social knowledge. The #hashtags act as a net, gathering working groups ready to embrace change and challenge.
In the end, all change and challenge are practical. People who only talk without action are naturally carried to the side streams, mingling until they either join the flow of practical work or fade away.
Yes, in your arrogance, you might call this arrogance — and from a different perspective, you might be right… but still blind. If you’re from the same perspective, I’d say nuts and nutters are only useful as part of a balanced diet. Maybe meditate on that before cracking more nuts. (I’m still refining that metaphor.)
If you enjoy playing games, you can spot the word magic in the #hashtags. If you’re more practical, you can translate them into traditional definitions — for example, #deathcult = neoliberalism, #dotcons = the boom-and-bust cycles of the dotcom era, #fashernista = someone fashionable in any subject. It’s not complex at this level.
The complexity lies in the perspective that weaves these elements into a coherent story. Yes, this storytelling could be seen as arrogance — if you choose to view it that way. But that judgment itself makes you a “nut” from the very perspective you critique.
Circles, magic, nets, outcomes — #OMN