Let’s look at tech politics for a moment, all technology is based on political and economic assumptions.
The fedivers is born outa “stupid” anarchism
There are a crew pushing for cooperative socialism
The is the #mainstreaming of common-sense capitalism
We have our athoratern side but it has little focus
All of human history has been mediated by struggle around these issues. And what is happening now has a long inhumane history, look back to the Spanish Civil War for an easy-to-understand example.
We keep making HORRIBLE mistakes.
The #fedivers in its decentralization is at its roots an anarchist project, yes we have our remnants of feudalism in ???? As king and a few growing “influencers” princes. What we do not currently have is strong socialist roots, just the crew and structures around #activertypub which touches on socialism and capitalism with a anarchist undercurrent.
We need to now not fight like we always do http://hamishcampbell.com/?s=process and look with open eyes at what to build from. The first #ESF article is a good example of the mess we could be heading for.