Shut down instances on 2023-10-07 due to lack of funding
#modteam for your information Payment History 2023-09-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2020-09-15 €540.00 ▼ 2023-08-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2023-07-08 US$46.80 ▼ 2023-06-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-05-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-04-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-03-08 US$34.80 ▼ 2023-02-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2023-01-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2022-12-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2022-11-08 US$58.80 ▼ 2019-09-15 €60.00 ▼ 2018-09-15 €60.00 ▼ 2018-08-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-07-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-06-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-05-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-04-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-03-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-02-22 €5.00 ▼ 2018-01-22 €5.00 ▼ #modteam Almost none of this has been covered by donations to the #OMN, so we have to shut down this instances on 2023-10-07 due to lack of funding

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