PR firm Bell Pottinger clients include the Cuadrilla fracking company and members of the family of Bashar al Assad

Published Date 2/5/14 12:05 PM

The “Sticky 6” were acquitted of all charges related to them superglueing themselves to the doors of Bell Pottinger, a PR company working for the likes of Cuadrilla, who explore potential fracking sites in the UK, and a host of other unsavoury clients.

6 courageous women were acquitted of aggravated trespass and criminal damage, with “no case to answer”. They were arrested during the Reclaim the Power protest in August 2013 against exploratory oil drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex. “Allegedly” they had superglued themselves to the entrance of corporate PR firm Bell Pottinger, whose clients include the Cuadrilla fracking company and members of the family of Bashar al-Assad. 

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