People react defensively to bad news, blaming others rather than confront uncomfortable truths

We need to look a bit at the psychological barriers that hinder communication and action in urgent social challenges. Concepts, like spontaneous trait transference, lead people to attribute negative traits to those delivering important messages, rather than focusing on the message itself.

People often react defensively to bad news, seeking to attribute blame to others rather than confront uncomfortable truths. This is rooted in our evolutionary psychology and plays a role in the proliferation of conspiracy theories and the scapegoating of messengers.

The exhaustion and frustration in trying to navigate these psychological barriers while we try to address issues like #climatechange and #openweb reboot can lead to a sense of urgency and despair, that underscores the gravity of the challenges we face and the need for effective communication and action.

This is touching on the complexities of human psychology and the daunting task of confronting social crises in the face of widespread denial and defensiveness. We do need to highlight the importance of resilience, compassion, and strategic communication in navigating these challenges and inspiring meaningful change.

More on this here

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