OMN and publishing on smart phones

Published Date 1/12/17 7:10 PM

Its interesting for a moment to look at the potential affect on radical media phone apps of the OMN.

Native “publish” from your phone “share this” to any node of the OMN and to many individual sites/blogs will work “out of the box” on any smart phone app that implements the OMN standards as its inherently a read/write network.

Any site can have an app on a mobile phone using the OMN – just add the tags of your site and a feed and your content will appear in an (own branded) standardized OMN app. Site can use this as a publishing gateway to there site from a mobile if they like.

On the subject of us all publishing to #dotcons, as EC say “Cos convenience and the software works” is why we publish to the #dotcons rather than our own “broken” sites. Its a step to a revolution to get round this problem.

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