The Open Media Network is a trust based, human moderated, #4opens project that builds a database shared across many peers. The project is more important for what it DOES NOT DO, than what it does do. It uses technology to build human networks.

There are ONLY 5 main functions:

* Publish (object to stream) – to publish a post

* Subscribe (to stream of objects) – to a person or organization, a page, a group tag, a subject tag

* Moderate (stream or object) – you can say I like/not like this

* Rollback (stream or object) – you can remove from your flow untrusted historical content

* Edit (meta data of object or stream) – you can edit the metadata/tags in any site you have a login on.

[A simple single user example: you publish something, you add metadata (give tags) on your site, if someone is subscribed to you, they receive what you’ve just published (into a page, a sidebar, moderation queue, etc) and they can add a new tags to it.

If you find interesting content you should subscribe to that person/organization/tag/site… if you’re not sure about them, you can put them on moderation (they appear only on your private news feed, not your public one), if you trust them you can let them through (they appear on your public news feed) if they break your trust, you can rollback their content (back in time to when they’ve started spamming you. Their new content is now shown on your private news feed only, but you can let individual pieces through).] this is not quite right… need updating, its hard to wright simple user story’s.

Meany more user story’s

This is the back-end of the project, it is a #DIY trust based grassroots semantic web building project. The front-end can be anything you like.

We have a basic news version coded and there is a plan for a video and audio versions in the future.

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