Naming the problem, a first step on this path, what is the #deathcult

Naming the problem is a first step, let’s take a step, what is the #deathcult? The “death cult” refers to the systemic prioritization of profit, consumption, and power over life, sustainability, and equity. Relentless resource extraction, despite environmental collapse. Neoliberal policies that sacrifice public good for corporate gains. And most importantly, the dogmatic passive social complicity in maintaining these destructive paths.

Active vs. default worship, active worshippers are leaders, corporations, and influencers who knowingly drive destructive practices. Default worshippers, are the majority who, often unknowingly, sustain the system through everyday actions shaped by a lack of alternatives and awareness.

To challenge default worship, there is the normal path of awareness and education, campaigns that demystify the ways neoliberalism and climate inaction shape everyday life. On the fluffy side, practical Steps for people and communities, join or start local climate and justice groups. Advocate for sustainable policies in your community (e.g., green energy, public transit). This is about shifting narratives, a core part of this is contributing to independent media and grassroots storytelling. A second thread is practical building resilience by developing skills and networks for mutual aid, local food systems, and sustainable living.

Then the is creating alternatives, by invest in and promote grassroots initiatives like community energy projects, mutual aid networks, and cooperative economies. Supporting platforms and movements that embody values of sustainability, equity, and transparency (e.g., the fediverse, #4Opens initiatives).

This then needs to be balanced by more radical action, mobilizing for more immediate change, direct action, organizing protests, strikes, and civil disobedience to demand systemic shifts. Then celebrating and amplify these stories of resistance and regeneration.

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